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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Honestly think consoles are a dying breed, just like handhelds

Your honest opinion is hardly new or original.

My honest opinion is that you are wrong.

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Intrinsic said:
DonFerrari said:

I can't see the point of having half assed console/pc bread... you will keep upgrading like PC so you lose the advantage of console fixed plat and more performance on the same budget, and will also lose some of PC advantage on using any HW you want, so I think it more like a lose lose situation than a win win... A purely stream that could play games better than a sli Titan today and equivalents in the future is a good possibilitie to be a mid term, won't win all the console market but can be a viable alternative.

I am not sure I am following you. I think you agree with what I am saying about half assing PCs since you lose the benefits of PCs and don't have the benefits of consoles. But you also seem to be suggesting that an alternative would be a steam console that has the GPU power of two titans in SLI? Or are you referring to a "stream" box like say PSnow but with the GPU power of SLI titans....

Either way, both scenarios won't work.


  1. Steam console with GPU power equivalent to 2 titans in SLI. Too expensive for one, you will be looking at a console that will cost at least over $1000. Just not gonna happen. Now even if said box is upgradeable, it brings us right back to the problem of a lack of standardization thet plauges the PC today. If you want to standardize the hardware, then you basically have a console that is too expensive and that has limited support for a fixed range of hardware parts that would unfortunately be sold at a premium.
  2. Stream console with 2xTitan equivalent power. Again, not possible. People talk up a lot about streaming games but fail to understand how that really works. Game streaming basically means that the console is not in your living room but make no mistake... its somewhere. If you want the stream box to have native support for say a HD8350 cpu + HD7970gpu (lets call this setup SB1)  all the devs making games will have devkits that basically have SB1 chips in them and  then you will literally have to have an SB1 for every single user that signs up for your service. So basically, if 50M people spend teh $99 for the reciver and controller that will be in your living room, then you will have to have 50M SB1s in your server rack somewhere. The amount of money it would cost whoever does this will be absolutely ridiculous. If they were charging $20/month for the service, it will take them 4 years to break even. PER USER.


I agree with you. Maybe my post had too many mistakes.

Steam "console" is dumb, altough a 1k rig with cutting edge power could see some sucess with people that want graphics and little hassle, but that wouldn't scratch console. And all the disavantages I agree and have listed.

Stream console I put as an alternative because a powerfull, plug and play, cheap box could work (a la psnow). The gain in scale could help reduce cost, but we are probably 10+ years to early for it in our bad net.

All in all ps is the best place to play and isn't dying. This is a thread of a Nintendo fan justifying Nintendo fail with the death of console model.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Well... I think that high end pc gaming will have a hard time in the future.

Reason 1: due to a lot of people playing on "lower end" gaming devices such as smartphones, it would not be very reasonable when devs would focus on making games that would only run on high end pc's. everything will merge towards an average and that average will certainly not be a high end gaming pc.

Reason 2: streaming. Why building high end pc's when future games will run on servers anyway?

But the PS4 and XBO are doing better then the PS360, so...

Edit: Also a lot of PS360 gamers still need to jump over to the PS4XB0. 

Then why is ps4 selling 8 million in half a year without any games?

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PullusPardus said:

consoles have become pointless, since they're using the same architecture as a pc, and they're basically all about software updates and downloads nowadays, I don't see what's the point of them anymore, they Have become a poor man's pc,

You can argue they're cheaper but so are PCS, you can get a better pc for the same price and upgrade it from there, and that will last you till your motherboard explodes (forever), you get cheaper games, more functionality, more room for tweaking and more ways to play, also free online and unrestricted services.

Look I'm not saying this as a pc gamer I'm saying this as a fellow gamer, handhelds have buttons over phones, consoles have nothing over PCS so what's the point of them nowadays? In the old days it made a lot more sense, consoles were meant to be "plug in and play" experience as in you buy a game from the store and you stick it on the console and play, now you buy it off the store and install it, and then download the patch and hope everything works fine, what difference is there from a PC? I would love to hear what you think the difference is. 


Now developers are always talking about graphics and how much 1080p 60 fps their game is, it's like you bought a console so you can argue about specs on the Internet instead of playing it,  and then comes ps5 with PS4 games with updated graphics "how it's meant to be played" crap by developers,  and the sad thing people always get sucked into that pr bullshit, I could argue for a long time but tell me, whats so different about a PS4 and a PC? 

Lol. No offense. If you are saying as a gamer then kudos. But I have seen a lot of PC only gamers who always bad mouth consoles, brings powerful rig as defense. But in reality many of those friends are really jealous of consoles; especially exclusives.

Average joe dont care about 1080p 60fps. If they cared then we could see all multiplats selling 90% in PS4 and 10% in Xbox One. People want to play in a system that is plug and play. PS3 was weaker than Xbox 360. But didnt that mean all multiplats sold 80% in Xbox 360. Nope. It didnt.

And if I cant play these great games in PC which has 1080P 60 fps, 4k, 8k resolution then why play only in PC. I would rather play in 720p these games rather unable to play these. Consoles are always special.


marioboy2004 said:
Then why is ps4 selling 8 million in half a year without any games?

Shhh. Dont say these number loudly. It will make anti console guys upset.

Rafux said:
Nettles said:
Rafux said:
Nettles said:
We will see maybe one more gen of consoles then thats that.PC gaming is the strongest it has been in years thanks to the new digital distribution model, consoles are yesterdays news and have peaked in sales.This gen console sales will be less than 2/3 last gens.

Hell no, theres a reason ports to PC are released later because theres too much piracy, consoles always sell more just look at Minecraft on consoles already surpassing sales on PC, Watchdogs selling millions on consoles and thousands on PC.

PS4 and Xbox One are tracking ahead of PS3 and X360 is only Wii U thats lacking way behind the phenomenon called Wii.

VGChartz doesn't even track PC digital sales correct? So it's worthless for PC tracking.Most PC sales are done digitally these days.

Yea about when they are 70% off on Steam, sales on consoles are bigger just look at Minecraft and how some games are released later to avoid piracy.

Pretty generalised statement there.Console sales are bigger.So Diablo 3 sold more on PS3 than PC? Individually mine raft sold the most on PC but yes, if you add up all console platform sales yes together they are more.

daredevil.shark said:
marioboy2004 said:
Then why is ps4 selling 8 million in half a year without any games?

Shhh. Dont say these number loudly. It will make anti console guys upset.

I dont think consoles are dying at all, but Im still baffled about the PS4 sales. I guess hype is stronger than actual games...