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Yeah we're all fucked, SO GO BUY A PS3 AND ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!

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NFGBlinkAC said:
Do you believe the world will end December 21, 2012 because some drugged "prophets" predicted it?

 Drugged profits?  I thought 2012 was the year predicted by the mayan's do to their super accurate astronomy and such.

I think there is a chance a giant asteroid could smash into the planet, I think one is coming by around there but the chances of it hitting earth are in the single digits from what i recall. 


pakidan101 said:
lol as informative that video was AoA, it doesn't even cover half of the real reasons as to why sooooo many people believe 12/21/12 will be the last day (funny how those numbers the date is....12/21/12...). Apparently there is the Mayan calendar that was made a long time ago that predicts when good events or when bad events occur, like the Great Depression, the World Wars, and 9/11. And according to their calendar, it stops after Dec. 2012...doesn't go any further.

Then there is this Chinese Fortune book, I Ching, where it predicts the fortunes of the world. As hard as it is to believe in these kind of things, some mathematician took the book, compared its predictions to what events actually occurred, created a graph and found all the dips that signify the good and the bad....and apparently it stops after December 2012.

For me, personally, I don't believe we will ever know the day the end of the world will happen. If you believe in these "scientific" evidence, which includes all of the above (and computer evidence, which the weirdest one), then start preparing for it. If you are religious, then just live out your life well and if the sun rises from the West, you will know what's happening.

Or maybe the Mayan's just stopped charting out the calendar?  They had to stop somewhere.  They couldn't just keep going forever.

No actaully they planned it if I remember corectly it's not actually the end of the world but the 3rd phase for the planet.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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^^ Yeah it's like a new beginning or something

wow, this topic again. People, read about Mayan culture and their calendars. The world is not going to end. Mayans themselves didn't think it would "end". Just a "bad" phase in the time line as it was before when this happened. But, bad things happen every day.

I predict some major calamity will fall upon a major city and thousands of people will die in 2008!!!

The significance of that date is that the Earth and the Sun line up with the center of the galaxy and the superstitious interpret that as a portent of doom.

I personally would like to believe that on 12-21-2012 the "old world", all of the superstitions and ptolmaic conceits will end and we will start to really understand the universes and our place in them. But I don't.

Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

Won't happen (though that video creeped me out for a minute, like a horror movie does).

It's like the guy in Ghostbusters 2 who wrote about the end of the world in 1990. He wrote the book, and sent it to be published, but there wasn't enough time between the manufacturing of the book until his predicted date. Of course, the world WOULD have ended on that date if it weren't for the Ghostbusters.

So, what I'm saying is, Ghostbusters III starts shooting December 21, 2012

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

If you correctly predict when the world ends (Whether banging or whimpering), do you really have much time to say "I told you so"?

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.