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Forums - Sony Discussion - How do I change the controls on Warhawk?

Ok, so I finally played a couple games on the PS3 today - Uncharted and Warhawk. Uncharted was rather cool - reminds me of Tomb Raider a lot and truth be told, Lara Croft would OWN that fool Drake - but still, it's an awesome game. I also played Warhawk and had fun with it, but the graphics are ... that's another thread.

My real question is - how in the devil can I like invert the controls?! It took a while to get used to the controls and I can stay aloft for a while evading and sniping folks in the hover jet. However, it's rather difficult to control him on foot or in the air. Is there a way to change the controls? Maybe I overlooked it.

Also, do you just play on multiplayer maps on the Web? What about offline fights? I so wish there was a story with this game.

Please, no flaming or trolling - I am just seeking help. 

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You can do offline (and online) splitscreen or LAN.  You can just go around in a level by yourself by just setting up a local game, but that is about the extent.

I take it you want to invert the Y-axis?
From the main screen
Options>Controller Setup>Character>check the box for "Invert U/D"
repeat for Ground Vehicles, Aircraft Flight, Aircraft Hover

 EDIT: from ingame, Start>Controller>From here it is the same as above.

I am glad you got to try your first few PS3 games! I hope you enjoy and maybe start to give the PS3 a little slack!

Oh and my favorite part of warhawk is 4 player split screen at home (with a big ass tv) and playing against 26 others online

before you hit online go to options... its there to invert your controls

as for story downlaod the PS1 game off the PS store. I forget how to save though I cant figure that out. lol

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Thanks for all of your help. I have to get some rest, but I'll try it Monday.

@ xenophon13 - Yeah, I'm gonna fire up my projector. The last time I did a 4-on fragfest was with a review copy of Halo 3 the weekend before it was released. It was 10' of greatness - and each person had the equivalent of a 42" plasma to play on. My friends still talk about that.

Even though I am partial to Ace Combat 6, I definitely love the plane in Warhawk.

i have a projector at work and we hook up the halo stuff, nothing like split screen with a 150in screen...i would love to do the same with warhawk but you have to have it hooked up to the Internet to even play the lan that is dumb.

xenophon13 said:
i have a projector at work and we hook up the halo stuff, nothing like split screen with a 150in screen...i would love to do the same with warhawk but you have to have it hooked up to the Internet to even play the lan that is dumb.

 Eh?  I was playing Warhawk lan in front of the Navy Exchange as part of a tournament and I'm almost positive that the Sony Playstation trucks don't have internet.

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i dunno, any time i try to load it with no Internet it wont let me start the game up

So, madskillz, I usually enjoy your reviews. Whatd ya think of Uncharted? I loved it!

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