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Forums - Sony Discussion - How do I change the controls on Warhawk?

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outlawauron said:
So, madskillz, I usually enjoy your reviews. Whatd ya think of Uncharted? I loved it!

@ Outlawauron

I haven't played enough of it, and actually bought it, so I won't do a review ... well, maybe if I get bored. From what I have seen, it's a good game. It doesn't do any new things and the aiming can take some getting used to, but from what I have played through - I am rescuing this reporter woman - I'll give it a 9 so far. I do enjoy the booby traps - and I love the M79 and the rag-doll effect. The controls are good - but using the sixaxis motion controls is a gimmick. I've used the controller to keep him from falling off. Lame.

I'll do a review for it with your compliment

Thanks a million. I am gonna post the Sky diver review shortly ...

While in game push Start
Go over to Controller
Then click on the desired controls to change (Flight, Hover, Ground, Vehicles)
And choose what you want to change