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Forums - General Discussion - Do you believe the first moon landing was fake????

They even had a disclamer half way through.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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There is no doubt that it is absolutely fake...

good to see 99.9% of vgchartz member have kept their brains in cold storage. :)

rocketpig said:
weezy said:
Some suspect "war of the worlds" radio brodcast was a test to see how humans would react to an alien presence,apparently that didnt go well hence the reason US G does everything it can to cover up otherspace enitities and such

Which explains why they would use one of the most controversial artists of the time, Orson Welles, to produce the show.

Or why they had a lengthy disclaimer before the show explaining how the entire piece is a work of fiction.

 Pfft.  Everyone knows that no one pays any attention to disclaimers.

rocketpig said:
weezy said:
Some suspect "war of the worlds" radio brodcast was a test to see how humans would react to an alien presence,apparently that didnt go well hence the reason US G does everything it can to cover up otherspace enitities and such

Which explains why they would use one of the most controversial artists of the time, Orson Welles, to produce the show.

Or why they had a lengthy disclaimer before the show explaining how the entire piece is a work of fiction. 



Ya i guess some ppl are pretty lame.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Several FPSes have covered this topic and clearly show staged footage! Or at least sets.

Either way, from those who believe it's a hoax, has come the entertaining sight of an old Buzz Aldrin knocking the hell out of a yappy documentary maker.

But, lets be entirely fair, the government currently tells you that they are winning the war on Terror by invading an oddly small number of countries, one of which was impressively not linked to anything they said they were. The government used to tell you that marijuanna users could be identified because their jeans were slick with semen from the times they couldn't find a rape victim.

The thought of the government engaging in one giant lie is painfully just as plausible as the achievement of going into space. More nonsensical perhaps, but a past, present, and future of bullshit does not gain trust.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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Noobie said:
There is no doubt that it is absolutely fake...

good to see 99.9% of vgchartz member have kept their brains in cold storage. :)

 No doubt eh?

Yeah...I doubt it.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

See this is what I meant with my comment earlier. The conspericy theroist don't think with there head. They refuse facts, Science, and reality. There argument are full of faillicies and completely based on emmotion. Fear, denial and paranoia.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

Closed upon user request.



ArtofAngels said:
rocketpig said:
ArtofAngels said:

Stof do you think the US Government covered up something in Roswell Area 51? Know that my respect for you hinges on your answer.




Roswell=Area 51?

I think my map is broken. 

I for poo's sake mr. smartass, Roswell Area 51 is generally known as the name of the event, not it's freakin address.


EDIT: Or what would of been a wittier reply, had I been sharper at the time, would of been: 'Oh that's why they keep sending my mail back'

Who the heck knows it as Roswell Area 51?  I'm quite fasinated by it, and have never heard it called that.  Sure, Area 51 supposedly had a big part in the event, but all I've ever heard it called was "Roswell".

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Ah shit Round 2


On topic No I don't think it was faked

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1