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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - is Splatoon receiving more attention because its an exclusive Nintnedo shooter?

It's made by Nintendo, the best developer ever and the one with higher quality standars.Obviously the game has potential, plus is colorful and not gritty like the other ones. Have I mentioned it's because Nintendo?

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green_sky said:
Mr Khan said:

We should have one stickied thread in gaming, entitled "Fanboys are hypocrites." That thread would be monstrously long, but drop the number of threads on the forums by about a third, because so much content here amounts to "well, Sony fans wouldn't give a shit about Destiny if it weren't for the partial exclusivity deal, here's proof!"

Great idea, Mr Khan. I'll come and post my impressions of Bloodborne. The only thing that got people cheering for that awful, gory trailer was the words, From Software. 

Notice how the OP is actually not insulting the game just because it's not his cup of tea. Just arguing that it wouldn't get as much attention if it wasn't a ninty exclusive. This has been proven over and over again with any kind of exclusive (whether it is sony, ms or ninty exclusive). Even the wonderful101 got insane hype here while the sales were disappointing to say the least. Forum people cared for it and gave it a chance because it was an exclusive. There's nothing wrong with the OP's theory. Conversely, considering anything gory and dark as awful (not referring to specifically to you, but everyone who does it) is just as bad as people rejecting games because they are made by ninty and are thus "kiddie".

kitler53 said:
it's getting attention for the same reason TW101 grabbed attention... can practically count the number of upcoming wiiU games on one hand.

Sounds like that hand belongs in a carnival freak show then. You could be making money off of it.

Splatoon is also getting attention thanks to all those Rule 34 images!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

It looks fun and is certainly a unique type of game in a genre that has been done to death, but yeah exclusives always get more attention. The thing is I'm not sure how long the fun will last with a game like Splatoon. I've played multiplayer PSN/XBLA type games before. Fat Princess comes to mind. That only lasted me a couple weeks before I never played it again. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun game. I just never went back to it for some reason.

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The only thing I saw that I would try out besides zelda.


Re: The Devil's Third thing.

I liked it not because of the trailer, which was underwhelming, but rather that it's the return of Team Ninja and Tomonobu Itagaki to game development.

I's gotta turn out at least decent...right?

kitler53 said:
Gammalad said:
kitler53 said:
Gammalad said:
kitler53 said:
it's getting attention for the same reason TW101 grabbed attention... can practically count the number of upcoming wiiU games on one hand.

Just tested that to make sure lol ill need more than both hands to count them.

would be interested to hear your list.  here is what i can come up with:

  1. smash
  2. X
  3. mario maker
  4. bayo 2
  5. zelda
  6. other zelda
  7. wooly yoshi
  8. splatoon

1.Captain Toad

2. Bayonetta 2 

3. Smash Bros

4. Yarn Yoshi



7. Super Smash Bros 4

8. Star Fox U

9. Devil's Third

10. Hyrule Warriors

11. Mario Party 10

12. Splatoon

13.  Zelda U

14. Wii Sports Club   didn't notice this was announced

15. Sonic Boom

16. Watch Dogs

17. Lego Batman 3

18. Kirby and the Rainbow Cruise i could of swore that was announced for 3ds but i checked and i'm wrong.

19. Skylanders

20. Just Dance 2015

21. Disney Infinity

22. Mario Maker

23. Bayonetta (I guess since its coming with Bayonetta 2 you really can't count this) but it's on the same disc!

crossed off a few that i just can't imagine anyone here is actually hyped for.  bolded a few that i indeed missed.

You forgot to bold Captain Toad. Even just counting the ones you're not simply dismissing you've still got thirteen UPCOMING games to be excited for. I don't know how people measure a console's value but seems very valid to me. Though I would add there are a few people who are rather 'roped in' to Disney/Landers, and Sonic has a TV show coming out to revitalize the franchise that is directly related to the games so I'd say there will be alot of hype and excitement, whether or not the games are good Sonic games. But I suspect we're talking more about the ones that look like reasons for a more sensible consumers (ones who are less likely to be made curious about Sonic by a TV-show) to get in on the action.


Also you both KINDA forgot Project Gaurd and Project Giant Robo... I feel like Project Gaurd has the potential to mutate into something pretty damn good... - an optism I very much lack (equally pre-maturely I suppose) for Project Giant Robo. (Though I'm kinda hoping Miyamoto comes up with a few more ideas and we get a "Nintendoland 2" - it definitely won't sell consoles but if they have other games as good as the Donkey Kong, Metroid, Takamura, and F-Zero ones I'm definitely up for a sequel.)

While I am clearly a huge Nintendo fan, I think the attention this game is getting is well deserved. While it is not an FPS, it can be considered a shooter. It is a completely new take on it and it just looks like out-right fun. I agree that it is getting perhaps more attention as a Nintendo exclusive because Nintendo polishes every last detail in their games and now everyone wishes they had this on their console lol.

But for real. I am a huge PC gamer as well and I am just tired of the same old "mature" or "hardcore" shooters. I am in the Hardline Beta and after 15 minutes, I am completely bored with the game and definitely will not be getting it. I stopped playing CoD years ago. Destiny looks interesting but still not wowing me. The only other game that really wowed me outside of Nintendo was Ubisoft's The Divison - and that was shown off last year.

The genre is stale as can be and it needs what Nintendo does best - innovation. Add to that the fact that the game is accessible to all because it is not going to be rated M and you have a recipe for an instant winner. Nintendo will prove yet again that you do not have to fit a cookie-cutter mold to have fun.

Carl2291 said:
New IP, unique, creative shooter that is doing something completely different.

While being a Nintendo game gives it the obvious boost from the Nintendo fanbase and media, I think its doing enough different to deserve the attention.

im not saying it doesnt deserve attention. i am saying its getting much more attention than it would have if it were on another platform. its a Nintendo developed shooter, and thats whats getting it more attention than anything.