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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Sony make another handheld?


Will they make another handheld?

yes 21 18.42%
no 81 71.05%
hybrid console 12 10.53%

If they make another mobile Playstation it will have to be a phone. By the time they get this thing out Google, Samsung, Apple, Nvidia, and many more will be very deep in mobile games, on much more popular platforms.

Sony needs to get the PS4 OS and the Vita OS tied together extreamly smooth, and simple. Then they Need to release the PS Phone off the backbone of that OS. On Day one they have to have most of the apps available on smartphones today, and backwards compatability with every PSP and PS Vita title, and PS Now.

IMO, Vita was a major miss step, and quite possibly something even Playstation can not overcome. They should have had a Vita Phone day one, and put themselves in the race, but I could say the same thing about PSP. Sony botched mobile devices for years, and are just starting to turn things around since the Xperia Z, but it is most probably to late.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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They will but it will be more or a tablet cross with a vita


Maybe third times a charm ehhh ?

They could make another one if they stop using their proprieter memory cards adn allow gamers to purchase the standard micro SD which is cheaper. Plus they need to make the machine itself cheaper. If Sony wants to compete ,, i bel;eive they need ot that or they will never compete the handheld market

added a poll to it


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possibly... I can see them waiting to see how the Steamboy does before bringing us something new

Steam/Origin ID: salorider

Nintendo Network ID: salorider

PSN: salorider

3DS Friend Code: 4983-4984-4179


They need it in Japan...

The Bitch is back! And better then ever! #BritneyReturns

SONY Bring them BACK for PS4 and VITA!

I hope not. The VITA is perfectly designed, the only way to go from there is down. Unless an enhancement in gfx only is considered a good enough reason to be better than VITA.



Cobretti2 said:
I hope not. The VITA is perfectly designed, the only way to go from there is down. Unless an enhancement in gfx only is considered a good enough reason to be better than VITA.

The Vita could be better if it was EXACTLY the same to a DualShock controller, wish they added L2, R2 and made L3 and R3 clickable!

The Bitch is back! And better then ever! #BritneyReturns

SONY Bring them BACK for PS4 and VITA!

If they do, they deserve to fail in the mobile market. However if Nintendo makes another, bet it's better than the vita at the same damn price. :)