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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog Working Hard to Push The Last of Us on PS4 Past 60 FPS

justgames7604 said:

i dont even understand why though, the average tv is only 50hz -60hz (most tvs 32inch or under display 50hz), hell youd be hard pressed to find a monitor that is more than 60hz nowadays with the transition to ips/pls/etc screens.

EDIT: is this just a port with higher res or new textures and stuff?

getting this day one btw since i never played it on ps3 (i actually didn't know of its existence until this year due to DoTA 2 and LoL eating up my free time)

And how do you think a locked framerate works? When they have the power margin so high, they can easily go above 60fps, slap a v-sync and framerate cap at those 60fps, and have a game without a single frame dropped.

When you want a really locked framerate you need to average above internally to be sure that an unexpected more demanding scene won't cause the engine to be overtaxed and start dropping frames below the 60fps point. Or you are an optimisation wizard and can code so efficiently that your game runs at 60-62fps constant.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Around the Network

I'd rather have better graphics. I still can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

eFKac said:
justgames7604 said:

i dont even understand why though, the average tv is only 50hz -60hz (most tvs 32inch or under display 50hz), hell youd be hard pressed to find a monitor that is more than 60hz nowadays with the transition to ips/pls/etc screens.

EDIT: is this just a port with higher res or new textures and stuff?

getting this day one btw since i never played it on ps3 (i actually didn't know of its existence until this year due to DoTA 2 and LoL eating up my free time)

And how do you think a locked framerate works? When they have the power margin so high, they can easily go above 60fps, slap a v-sync and framerate cap at those 60fps, and have a game without a single frame dropped.

When you want a really locked framerate you need to average above internally to be sure that an unexpected more demanding scene won't cause the engine to be overtaxed and start dropping frames below the 60fps point. Or you are an optimisation wizard and can code so efficiently that your game runs at 60-62fps constant.

thats not the point, nor did i dispute any of that (since i clearly say a tv will display a locked 60hz). A misleading title really if what you say here is what they are going to do, pushing it slightly past 60fps to lock it at 60fps so what we are getting is 60 fps anyway. all i said is if they are aiming for something higher than 60fps, like 70 for example, is that 99% of people that own a ps4 will physically never see it.

i never disputed how 60fps lock down worked (since the end result is a constant 60fps which most tvs can display).

EDIT: i forgot that a hdmi cord will never show more than 60fps at full hd, even upscaled, so 100% of ps4 owners will never see it (including myself)

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

justgames7604 said:
eFKac said:
justgames7604 said:

i dont even understand why though, the average tv is only 50hz -60hz (most tvs 32inch or under display 50hz), hell youd be hard pressed to find a monitor that is more than 60hz nowadays with the transition to ips/pls/etc screens.

EDIT: is this just a port with higher res or new textures and stuff?

getting this day one btw since i never played it on ps3 (i actually didn't know of its existence until this year due to DoTA 2 and LoL eating up my free time)

And how do you think a locked framerate works? When they have the power margin so high, they can easily go above 60fps, slap a v-sync and framerate cap at those 60fps, and have a game without a single frame dropped.

When you want a really locked framerate you need to average above internally to be sure that an unexpected more demanding scene won't cause the engine to be overtaxed and start dropping frames below the 60fps point. Or you are an optimisation wizard and can code so efficiently that your game runs at 60-62fps constant.

thats not the point, nor did i dispute any of that (since i clearly say a tv will display a locked 60hz). A misleading title really if what you say here is what they are going to do, pushing it slightly past 60fps to lock it at 60fps so what we are getting is 60 fps anyway. all i said is if they are aiming for something higher than 60fps, like 70 for example, is that 99% of people that own a ps4 will physically never see it.

i never disputed how 60fps lock down worked (since the end result is a constant 60fps which most tvs can display).

EDIT: i forgot that a hdmi cord will never show more than 60fps at full hd, even upscaled, so 100% of ps4 owners will never see it (including myself)

You are missing the point. Or please point me to where Corrine says that they are going for 70fps or more likely 90fps, or states any other number than 60fps. That's nonsense as, like you said no TV (to my knowlegde) could output at higher than 60fps.

And title is hardly misleading as it's a quote from Yu. 

They are doing exactly what she says, want to go past 60fps, keep in mind that until now, all ND have been saying is "we're targeting 60fps" which could mean many things. That they won't get to it, and cap to 30fps instead, that that's the target but they may not be reaching it at all times (Call of Duty or BF4 "60fps" if you will), or that they will have an uncapped framerate.

Now, after Corrinne's statement, we can be pretty sure that the game will run at 60fps, and possibly without any dropped frames (so Wolfenstein NO scenario rather than Call of Duty).

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

If they achieve more than 60 fps(and I hope it stays at 60 fps and goes beyond that if ever) then wow, Sony should just have them do all the remasters and optimization for all their games LOL. Although that would prolly kill all the programmer in ND seeing as how they're crunching their butts out already on perfecting a ps3 remaster and a ps4 game.

Around the Network
Pristine20 said:
I'd rather have better graphics. I still can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS

I find that hard to believe.  If so idk if you should have a driver's license. 

Kowan said:
If they achieve more than 60 fps(and I hope it stays at 60 fps and goes beyond that if ever) then wow, Sony should just buy Naughty Dog already and have them do all the remasters and optimization for all their games LOL. Although that would prolly kill all the programmer in ND seeing as how they're crunching their butts out already on perfecting a ps3 remaster and a ps4 game.

I am sure they are putting a ton of effort into the remaster for a reason no one seems to realize:  It is practice for making UC4.  I mean think about it, they need to port their PS3 engine to PS4!  What better way to do that than to port a recent mega-hit for some cash?

Pristine20 said:I'd rather have better graphics. I still can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS Maybe because you have always play at 30fps lol

eFKac said:

You are missing the point. Or please point me to where Corrine says that they are going for 70fps or more likely 90fps, or states any other number than 60fps. That's nonsense as, like you said no TV (to my knowlegde) could output at higher than 60fps.

And title is hardly misleading as it's a quote from Yu. 

They are doing exactly what she says, want to go past 60fps, keep in mind that until now, all ND have been saying is "we're targeting 60fps" which could mean many things. That they won't get to it, and cap to 30fps instead, that that's the target but they may not be reaching it at all times (Call of Duty or BF4 "60fps" if you will), or that they will have an uncapped framerate.

Now, after Corrinne's statement, we can be pretty sure that the game will run at 60fps, and possibly without any dropped frames (so Wolfenstein NO scenario rather than Call of Duty).

now now, i never said they are going for 70? why do you say this.......

i never said this was anything bad either.

the title of the thread itself is pretty misleading.... as are the quotes from naughty dogs. as it seems like they are aiming for something alot higher than 60fps. That is all. 

'Naughty dogs working hard to Push the Last of US on PS4 past 60fps'

He also never says anthing youre saying here, he just says that:

We are coding hard over the weekends with our Naughty Dog graphics team to push The Last of Us past 60 fps.

all we get from this rather ambiguous statement is that they are reaching above 60fps, does it say anything about locked 60fps like youre saying? why is it ok for you to infer things but not me? If we go off of the statement my first response is justified in the fact that it sounds exactly what it sounds like: they are aiming higher than 60fps as they didnt say anything that youre saying.

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

Glad to see that ND is working so hard on a remake!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---