eFKac said:
When you want a really locked framerate you need to average above internally to be sure that an unexpected more demanding scene won't cause the engine to be overtaxed and start dropping frames below the 60fps point. Or you are an optimisation wizard and can code so efficiently that your game runs at 60-62fps constant. |
thats not the point, nor did i dispute any of that (since i clearly say a tv will display a locked 60hz). A misleading title really if what you say here is what they are going to do, pushing it slightly past 60fps to lock it at 60fps so what we are getting is 60 fps anyway. all i said is if they are aiming for something higher than 60fps, like 70 for example, is that 99% of people that own a ps4 will physically never see it.
i never disputed how 60fps lock down worked (since the end result is a constant 60fps which most tvs can display).
EDIT: i forgot that a hdmi cord will never show more than 60fps at full hd, even upscaled, so 100% of ps4 owners will never see it (including myself)
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