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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 & Wii U duking it out. End of 2K14 sales prediction Thread.

Shortiloe said:
Ucell said:
Shortiloe said:
Shortiloe said:
To behonest, there aren't much heavy hits this year for PS4, only Destiny comes in my mind right now. The Order and so on are all delayed. Only Call of Duty maybe and the new Battlefield. But titles like Smash bros, X and Co can do the thing for Wii u, so I predict that Wii U will sell more THIS year. Don# forget, mario Kart 8 is out and will be a system seiller this christmas, too ! Not Numbers from me, sorry

You really believe Wii u will sell more than ps4? Really?

Yes, THIS year, maybe you overread that. Wii U will have heavy hitters this year, PS4 hitters are coming in 2015.

What makes you thing the PS4 will sell more THIS year? Huh? A Destiny? It will boost sales, sure, but that is all. Not as much as alle the games will do that are coming for wii U THIS year.

PS4 has many more games coming out this year than the Wii U and already has a big lead. If MK8 wasn't enough to boost Wii U sales above PS4 sales for even one week, you can be sure its not gonna happen this year.

Also WD wasn't even a PS4 exclusive while MK8 is probably the biggest exclusive that will ever come to the Wii U.

Sorry, bullshit.

Beside Mario Kart, Smash bros will be the biggest exclsuive, especially for hardcore gamers, this year. 

PS4 has many more games? And .. what beside Destiny? Yes: Ports, Ports, Ports. Metro Port, The Walking Dead-Port, The Last of Us-Port .. only ports. Just like the Wii U got at launch and later .. and people laughed about it. Sorry. I like the PS4, really, but stating sth better than it is fucks me up.

lol, then you gonna stay fucked up i guess. the people have spoken!

and really? no Smash is NOT a bigger exclusive than Mario Kart. Pretty sure the last one didnt do 33 mil. not to mention its not even a real exclusive itself since there will be a 3ds version and believe me it will have an effect on sales.

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Welfare said:

Wii U total 2014 sales - 4,200,000

PS4 total 2014 sales - 12,200,000

Xbox One total 2014 sales - 6,700,000

I am trying to make sense of the numbers...


WiiU 2014 sales up to now (5 months) : 899,331

PS4 2014 sales up to now (5 months) : 3,665,159


Your projection for WiiU / Current : 4,200,000 / 899,331 = 4.67 times

Your projection for PS4 / Current : 12,200,000 / 3,665,159 = 3.33 times


why is the discrepancy? Let's use the same multipler for both, and more reasonable 3.33 times (as with PS4)

WiiU 2014 estimated sales : 3.33 x 899,331 = 2 994 000

WiiU total by the end of 2014 : 8 386 382

(much more reasonable numbers). At least should be methodologically consistent.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

eva01beserk said:
Experimental42 said:
BeElite said:


Nintendo has already gotten the hang of HD gaming, that's why they have the absolute best looking games on any console right now. Running as 720 and 60 fps makes a game look better than 1080p and 30 fps. They also don't need to churn out subpar garbage either, they're doing a good job of building a solid library.
It only took a few good games to turn their fortunes around with the Game Boy, DS, and 3DS. You don't think MK8, Bayonetta, 2 types of Zelda games, Metroid, and possibly the biggest new JRPG constitutes a few good games?


As for the best lineup, lets compare 2014 and then a little of 2015.

2014: Bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash.

That's a good spread. One killer app franchise, one  very hyped JRPG (possibly the first system mover for the Japanese market), the first new Zelda related game in a while, and a third party exclusive that has a cult following.

2015: Zelda U, Retro's Metroid, possibly a new IP from Miyamoto(?)

So Zelda U has been a big thing people have been clamoring for, and Metroid is believed to be back in Retro's hands, and a new Nintendo IP would adress a major complaint everyone has about Nintendo not creating new franchises.


What's more, the timing of these titles couldn't be more perfect, being in the wake Mario Kart 8's elevated sales and allieviation of the doom cloud right before E3. Everyone knows that all eyes are on Nintendo and short of Microsoft buying Nintendo nothing can steal the show from them. Nintendo will either have an amazing show or pull an Xbone and embarass themselves. I believe they'll deliver because if they don't, Nintendo is dead, period.

So tell me, which system currently has a lineup for 2014 that stacks up that well, and what is that lineup?


As for third parties, they will go anywhere and everywhere there is money to be made, that includes the Wii U if it proves it can maintain sales. Not every new game is some sort of graphical powerhouse that's far too advanced for Wii U to handle. It's the first volley after release, yes most games are going to be in a graphical dick waving contest and try to focus on power and realism.Once more stylized games begin to come out the Wii U hardware will be less of a hindrance to third party releases.

you forgot to mentione a couple of games coming out this year for nintendo, 1) sonic: might not be a great exclusive that is as hyped as the other, but sonic has a fan base and they usually boost a bit of nintendo sales. 2) skylanders: might not be a exclusive but it moves better on nintendo systems and now with the nfc gamepad it will be almost focused on wii u, and the skylanders fanbase is quite big.  might not be the best games but are still 2 more games that will boost sales for the wiiu while more drought hits the other systems.

lol, nope. SOnic? yeah because lost world moved a lot of consoles, wait. No especially since the 3ds version will sell better anyway (just like the last one) Skylanders? if you hadnt noticed that series already peaked and most people WILL buy the WIi version anyway if there is one. So nope to all of it and really those are releasing around the same time as BF and AC Unity games that actually sell good consistently.

On a side note im loving how WIi U had ONE good week and new guys coming otu of the woodwork all of a sudden. Either there are some alts or people were lurking and just only appeared when their team wasnt do complete crap. Cowardly if you ask me, but its ok I suspect they wont stick around.

oniyide said:
On a side note im loving how WIi U had ONE good week and new guys coming otu of the woodwork all of a sudden. Either there are some alts or people were lurking and just only appeared when their team wasnt do complete crap. Cowardly if you ask me, but its ok I suspect they wont stick around.

This is what we call cowardly now? Ok. 

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Avro1958 said:
oniyide said:
On a side note im loving how WIi U had ONE good week and new guys coming otu of the woodwork all of a sudden. Either there are some alts or people were lurking and just only appeared when their team wasnt do complete crap. Cowardly if you ask me, but its ok I suspect they wont stick around.

This is what we call cowardly now? Ok. 

where were these people all year long? Why werent they saying anything about Wii U till now? WHere were they when it was selling less than Vita? Cowardly might be a strong word ill admit that.

gcube2000 said:

This is LT total sales by end of 2014 not just 2014.

PS4- 19million
WiiU- 14million
Xbone- 10million

Really hope you're joking. 

oniyide said:
Avro1958 said:
oniyide said:
On a side note im loving how WIi U had ONE good week and new guys coming otu of the woodwork all of a sudden. Either there are some alts or people were lurking and just only appeared when their team wasnt do complete crap. Cowardly if you ask me, but its ok I suspect they wont stick around.

This is what we call cowardly now? Ok. 

where were these people all year long? Why werent they saying anything about Wii U till now? WHere were they when it was selling less than Vita? Cowardly might be a strong word ill admit that.

It's the perfect word for it. 

Why weren't they saying anything until now? That's a dumb and simply answered question: They had no reason to. They actually have a reason to talk about it now so they do. That is in no way, shape, or form cowardly. Get a damn dictionary.

oniyide said:
eva01beserk said:

you forgot to mentione a couple of games coming out this year for nintendo, 1) sonic: might not be a great exclusive that is as hyped as the other, but sonic has a fan base and they usually boost a bit of nintendo sales. 2) skylanders: might not be a exclusive but it moves better on nintendo systems and now with the nfc gamepad it will be almost focused on wii u, and the skylanders fanbase is quite big.  might not be the best games but are still 2 more games that will boost sales for the wiiu while more drought hits the other systems.

lol, nope. SOnic? yeah because lost world moved a lot of consoles, wait. No especially since the 3ds version will sell better anyway (just like the last one) Skylanders? if you hadnt noticed that series already peaked and most people WILL buy the WIi version anyway if there is one. So nope to all of it and really those are releasing around the same time as BF and AC Unity games that actually sell good consistently.

belive it or not sonic has a fanbase. even if it directly dosent move units its still a litle incentive when they make another bundle like the mario kart with free game. and skylanders people will see it like an investment, anyone who kept all those figurines will want to upgrade to the new game and keep up their progress. and you say those game peek and you mention battlefield and assasins creed. after the last battlefield everione is going to tiptoe around the new one and assasins creed peeked at the econd one and have been selling worst ever after, black flag added a new mecanic with the boats and swiming but the next one will be a step back and its not going to move consoles like you think.

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