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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Shouldn't success be measured by the games?

It's getting annoying to see consoles being bashed based on sales while the games themselves seem to be largely ignored.  To me a console is a success if it has a great library of games and I really question "gamers" who appear not to think that way.  The Xbox 360 has a great existing library and has more than enough great games coming in the next couple of years to be considered a success.  Even the critics calling it a shooter box will find it increasingly harder to ignore all the rpgs, strategy, racing, sports, and adventure games as well as unique games such as Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazooie 3 either on or coming to the system.

As for those bashing it because they "hate" Microsoft because of their practices, have you ever known any company with a monopoly to act any different?  Nintendo during the NES days locked in some developers so they couldn't make games for any other system and also did other questionable things.

Anyways it's likely that this post won't make much of a difference but even if one or a few people start making quality posts instead of bashing systems based on sales then it will have been worth it.

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Go to a different site, and you will see it's just VGchartz and Nintendo fans that think that way. Most gamers care about the games. Only idiots go for hype and console war bullshit.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
Go to a different site, and you will see it's just VGchartz and Nintendo fans that think that way. Most gamers care about the games. Only idiots go for hype and console war bullshit.

 sure thing grandmaster, why are you here anyway if everyone annoys you?

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


To companies a consoles sucess is how much money they make of it. To gamers why do you care if its sucessful or not you got the games you wanted you played them and had fun does it matter.

This could be the start of a nice list wars thread.

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Take games like Okami and Beyond Good & Evil, both great games, if someone were to bash both of those games because of sales they would be called an idiot yet nothing stops them from doing the same thing with consoles. It really doesn't make any sense in my opinion.

A lot of the problem is that Nintendo hasn't won a console war in so damn long, that Nintendo Fanboys can't handle it that the Wii is actually winning, and they've picked a winning console. They don't know how to handle themselves.

All you people complaining about people here looking at sales more then at games, have a look at the main page of the site. SHOCK it has console sales which are even color coded. You don't like people basing it on sales well how about you find another site?

At TC i admit that i make some purely bashing posts but i have seen some of your posts and they are far from quality so how about leading by example and not whining about what you do not like?

Neos said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Go to a different site, and you will see it's just VGchartz and Nintendo fans that think that way. Most gamers care about the games. Only idiots go for hype and console war bullshit.

sure thing grandmaster, why are you here anyway if everyone annoys you?

Who says everyone annoys me? I'm fine, I just get mad when I don't get my way. 

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Sure Legend, a console should be judged by the games. You want to tell me a definite, unarguable way we can determine which console has the best games?