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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

Xenostar said:

Your both comparing it slightly differntly, its so close to be matterless, this is roughly the cross over point. 

The only way to compare it adequately is by number of VGC weeks. If he's comparing it differently he's doing it wrong...

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DEM PS4 Sales, totally overshadowed the awesome numbers of WII U!
It's close to the Vita now: 8.1 Vs 8.3, maybe in the next two weeks it'll surpass it.

bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:
Global Up

1.86 million first week, 8th million seller, 2 more weeks max until it's the best selling game on PS4.

WD PS4  in one week > TitanFall XB1 in 12 weeks (LTD). 

Watch Dogs is now officially a megafranchise. 

We have a new GOTG!!   :)

PS4 is the console to be on for third party games this generation. Having better version of the game coupled with exclusive marketing and extra content did wonders for Watch Dogs. 1,8M vs 900K on XOne.

The industry seems healthy enough for me. All we'll ever need is more games like WD or MK to drive the sales, and smaller games to keep the industry alive and kicking.

Blood_Tears said:
bananaking21 said:

WD PS4  in one week > TitanFall XB1 in 12 weeks (LTD). 

Watch Dogs is now officially a megafranchise. 

We have a new GOTG!!   :)

i wonder when the thread about this will pop up. 

sorry, but GOTG belongs to Don't Starve. 

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Troll_Whisperer said:
Xenostar said:

Your both comparing it slightly differntly, its so close to be matterless, this is roughly the cross over point. 

The only way to compare it adequately is by number of VGC weeks. If he's comparing it differently he's doing it wrong...

Agreed but theres still only a week in it.

bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:
Global Up

1.86 million first week, 8th million seller, 2 more weeks max until it's the best selling game on PS4.

WD PS4  in one week > TitanFall XB1 in 12 weeks (LTD). 

Watch Dogs is now officially a megafranchise. 

i'm not surprised

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

I'm amazed by Mario Kart!! Hope it sells another 1m+ next week because it's a full week!

The One and Only

VGC has the XO Watch Dogs outselling the PS3/360 versions combined, but only by a small amount. Would have thought XO WD would have broken 925K.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Incredible WD, with a very good HW boost on the already leader PS4.
Excellent boost for Wii U, that grabs 2nd place WW and in each region (in Japan being also 1st home console) thanks to MK8, that manages to grab SW 2nd place WW too, despite the American betrayal.
I almost never think XBOne could be undrtracked, but this time I do, if WD gave a very good boost to PS4, and MK8 an incredible one to Wii U, we should expect a better boost for XBOne too. Unless a very large part of WD audience on XBOne coincide with the Titanfall one, so already owning that console.

This said, excellent week for HW overall and incredible for SW, it's really nice to see something different from CoD moving huge numbers, and in a period far slower than BF and Xmas. Home console and PC gaming are still alive.

The only bad news of the week is portable HW numbers, both 3DS and PSV: both Ninty and Sony MUST do alot more to save their products and that market. Yes, their destiny is to shrink and cede part of their market to mobiles, but doing things right there's still place for two dedicated portable platforms, mobiles' flood of shallow games and lack of dedicated control will always leave a lot of users unsatisfied, enough to keep a decent sized niche alive.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!