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Forums - Sony Discussion - Guerrilla Games NOT teasing/showing new IP at E3 2014

Sure folks, let them tease and reveal more projects before they're ready. Then you can bitch about how they're being delayed or are taking forever to come out.

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So no Guerilla, Media Molecule, and Sony Bend... All we know for sure is that we're going to see Uncharted and The Order: 1886. Either Sony has a lot of surprises in store, or their E3 conference will be underwhelming. Hopefully, it's the former.

Hasnt it been in development for about 3 Years?

Calling bullshit.


sales2099 said:
Makes me wonder just how much time Sony will dedicate to pushing Destiny? I mean I know its a pretend exclusive, but it won't win the show. We already know about it and it is technically a multiplat.

We don't need Destiny, we need The Last Guardian!!!

Once you entered you won't be the same anymore. A blog about life.

Shinobi-san said:
kitler53 said:
Shinobi-san said:

I dont only expect game announcements. Anything new and surprising is what gets me excited about E3.

The problem with this years E3 (sony) is that we all pretty much know whats coming. The one surprise that they had was leaked, sadly. And well the last gaurdian...i dont even know what to say about that game.

I just hope I'm wrong and I hope the leaks are wrong too. No one saw the 8gb of ram announcement coming or how Sony completely killed the X1 at last years E3. So yeah doesnt necessarily have to be new games (although new game announcements with gameplay trumps everything else!) but anything new, unexpected and exciting. Thats why i get hyped for never know whats coming. Except this time it seems

well, each year the leaks get more and more accurate.   the shame of the digital age really as it affects everyone not just E3. 

if you really want to be surprised you probably have to quit the internet for the month of may each year.  sometimes i wish i had the will power to do so,.. i often think (lately) that vgcz kills my enjoyment of games.  that which used to be so joyous is mired with critiques of frame rates, pixals, dynamic shadows, glitches, but mostly exaggerated expectations put in place by fans wishes of what a game ought to be not what it is.

Don't have that sort of will power either.

The leaks have been particularly bad over the last year and during the build up to next gen. One wonders why these companies don't try harder to route out the leaks. That can be easily done by leaking specific information to certain people and then monitoring if it gets leaked.

I guess another reason why I will be more dissapointed by Sony this year, if they dont impress, is because they are currently in a dominant position in the home console industry and as a company they really need an industry where they dominate. This is a golden opportunity for them to take advantage of the momentum. But i have a feeling that they will let it slide, which is more evidence to me that Sony as a business lacks that killer instinct that little bit of something that makes one company better than the rest. I've been monitoring their mobile strategy, imaging strategy and gaming and it doesnt seem like Sony really has a plan to dominate anything. They've kinda struck it lucky with PS4 so i was hoping we would see more innitiative from Sony.

Companies that dont have a plan to lead industries usually fall by the wayside. And thats whats happening to sony now. Given their more streamlined focus i thought they would be more aggressive. A bit off topic i guess but oh well!

but in a truely honestly assessment don't you think sony has been pretty aggressive this gen?

they spent like 400M on gaikai and are launching psnow this summer bring playstation not just to consoles but tvs, tablets, and pcs as well which could massively change the landscape of video games.

they just announced project morpheous bring VR to market for possibly the first time ever depending on OR's release date.

ps4 does have massive AAA titles already and are being announced, 1 for 1 with MS,.. even moreso once some of xbox's "exclusives" go multiplat like PvZ.

ps4 has almost 3x the current games library as xbone due to an investment in indies,.. some that are massively good like transistor and (i expect) the witness.

sony trail blazed ps+ to give us "free" games making playstation a massively good value.  ..from day 1 on ps4 too not 8 months laters and starting with a port of a smartphone game.

sony didn't try to fuck us with DRM and they stood their ground against the likes of MS and EA to ensure it stays that way.


i dunno, MS has some amazing marketing because when i compare resumes sony has been far more aggressive and dominant then the general views of the internet would suggest.  i'm glad sales reflect this even if the internet refuses to give credit where credit is due.

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GribbleGrunger said:
Come on guys ... Sony's plan is working and you're all falling for it! Lowering expectations leads to a more exciting E3.


Well, it did happen with Twisted Metal. I'm theorizing that after the Project Beast leak, Sony tightened its grip on any information which is why they and their studios have been super silent.

I'm sorry, but am I missing something?
He said they won't be showing BEFORE E3 (because the question said "before E3"), not that they aren't going to show it at E3

Carl2291 said:
Hasnt it been in development for about 3 Years?

Calling bullshit.

It was 2,5 years back in February, so almost 3 years yeah. After such an amount of time, you really should have something to show.....

What if Sony spends their 90 minutes conference solely on Vita games?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Again... "before E3".


Am i missing something (from different text) or did all of you miss that?