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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Cross-Gen and Last-Gen Games. Why?

Because devs don't hate money. 160 mil potential buyers are better than 10 mil. Plus, cross platform is easier to develop compared to last gen's transitional games.


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kitler53 said:

have you seen how much of a technically disaster WDs has been and how much negative press it has gotten for that. why risk the viability of what ubi hopes is their next billon a year next gen franchise by forcing the game onto terribly dated hardware for a mere 20% boost to the first game? 



That's easy, because people like us (the internet browsing folk), are in the minority.  And the vast majority of gamer's only know what the TV tells them, with regards to a game, it's hype, and it's quality and Ubisoft (like any dev/publisher) knows this.  By the time NDA's are up, hundreds of thousands to a million+ people have already pre-ordered across all platforms.  I mean, not that I think that's an appropriate behavior to exhibit, but, it's what they do.

kitler53 said:
small44 said:
kitler53 said:
mornelithe said:
There are over 100 million PS3/360's out there, and less than 20 mil X1/PS4's. Do the math.

and over 150 nillon ps2s...


unit sales don't matter, active userbase does.  every ps4 and xbone that sells is pretty much an ex-ps360 user who no longer wants to use it. 

Watch dogs xbox360/ps3 is more then 20% of total Watch dogs sale do you thing 20% is a small pourcentage?

why wasting all this potential sale by making this games next-gen only

have you seen how much of a technically disaster WDs has been and how much negative press it has gotten for that. why risk the viability of what ubi hopes is their next billon a year next gen franchise by forcing the game onto terribly dated hardware for a mere 20% boost to the first game? 



You take review too seriously minority care about reviews,if Watch Dog wasn't cross-gen it would sold less then that because not everybody will buy a new console just for Watch dogs.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

kowenicki said:
This is a question?

160m PS3 and 360 owners is your blindingly obvious answer.

Cross gen games wont stop early adopters. I class early adopters as anyone buying in the first 18 months. Considering that period represents only about 15% of the people who will buy the new consoles.

Exactly, odd that it even requires discussion.