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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazing PS VITA SLIM Bundle comming in EU!!


Would you get it?

yeahh! 58 50.88%
don´t care 53 46.49%
nanzano said:
Ronster316 said:
8GB card? really? My 16GB is maxed out all the time, and its not like i own a tonne of Vita games.

Those who are thinking of purchasing this...... add another 30 euros to that price for a 16GB or 70 euros if you want a 32GB, because you'll be wanting (or should i say needing) another memory card real soon.

Sony have got to sort out this memory card BS sooner rather than later.

Yep, 16Gb also isn´t that much, I got a pack with 16GB and directly bought a 32Gb after that. We need  memory space on the vita all the time, so a perfect deal would be a memory card price cut annoucement at E3

I currently have just over 700MB space left, and i have only downloaded a handful of games (getting fed up of having to delete games before i finish them just to make way for another one)......... so i'm looking for a 32GB, but i'm not prepared to pay £50/70 euros for some more damn memory space that should have been a given from the start.

Digital purchases of games, DLC & of course updates/patches and all that nonsense literally rip in to your memory space in no time.

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looks liek they found a way to get rid of all those extra copies of batman and injustice.


Amazing bundle? NO. VALUE? Maybe if you even care about mediocre games on it...

I wont and my friends wont touch Vita ultik it gets some major redesign. Put a smaller screen and improve control layout... I want more space between buttons and sticks...

My problem with the Vita, is that is too fat and un-necessary of a device to justify having an extra bulk in my pocket/bags...

Mystro-Sama said:
Holy shit, this is awesome! If this doesn't work then I don't know what will.

I hope this will revive the All Star community.

Although it's excellent value, if you like all the games included, what PSV still needs, and this offer solves only for gamers really wanting ALL those games, is a much lower entry price, with less games (even just one would do), but anyway a 8 or 16GB memory card included. Such a bundle at 150€ max could compete a lot more effectively with the best 3DS offers.
This said, this bundle surely won't hurt and it will help sales, but I don't expect miracles from it. Surely it's not what I'm waiting for (but I'm not a portable fan anyway, PSV is the best portable I ever tried for my tastes, but I won't buy it even at its current best price).

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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weaveworld said:
Take out the games and the memory card and give me a price without them. Only then I'd consider.

AmazonGermany occasionally sells PSVitas (OLED model) for 100€.

Alby_da_Wolf said:
Mystro-Sama said:
Holy shit, this is awesome! If this doesn't work then I don't know what will.

I hope this will revive the All Star community.

Although it's excellent value, if you like all the games included, what PSV still needs, and this offer solves only for gamers really wanting ALL those games, is a much lower entry price, with less games (even just one would do), but anyway a 8 or 16GB memory card included. Such a bundle at 150€ max could compete a lot more effectively with the best 3DS offers.
This said, this bundle surely won't hurt and it will help sales, but I don't expect miracles from it. Surely it's not what I'm waiting for (but I'm not a portable fan anyway, PSV is the best portable I ever tried for my tastes, but I won't buy it even at its current best price).

Both the Vita and the 3ds xl are $200. They'd most likely lose if they lower it any further.

Ronster316 said:
 add another 30 euros to that price for a 16GB or 70 euros if you want a 32GB, because you'll be wanting (or should i say needing) another memory card real soon.

70 € for 32 GB? I bought it for 40 £ last August.

Am I the only one who thinks the original Mega Pack was far better value than this? Don't see this doing anything, these kinds of bundles have been kicking around in Europe since last November.

This is the 5th or 6th now.

Mega Bundle
Disney Bundle
Sports Bundle
Indie Bundle

Sure there was another one before this too.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

LiquorandGunFun said:
looks liek they found a way to get rid of all those extra copies of batman and injustice.

You mean all those billions of unpurchased digital files that are clogging up PSN? :p

You don't actually get the games physically, just a download card unlocking them all for download on PSN.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.