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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

why this talk of second place.. i bet Nintendo go for #1

And why not.. we (people who had followed sales past years) know that the console race is not over.. mayby not even begun.. heck the casuals had not decided either (and they are by fare the biggest and most important group salewise)

WiiU has the price.. The games.. (and will start geting 3 party again, when WiiU reach 10 mill) on top of that.. the WiiU is unik.. and offer some good value for the casuals..

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

So cool down.. wait atleast 2 more years, before saying that WiiU will be second :)

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WolfpackN64 said:
I see a lot of people defending the X1 (I'm a former X360 user, now Wii U). The reality is, for now, the Wii U is selling very wel, and the X1 is underperforming. Another reality is that multiplats just sell better on the PS4. Honestly, I'm not enticed to buy an X1, and none of my friends (most of which had a X360) are really enticed to buy a X1, most already have a PS4, Wii U or both. Microsoft will have to make a more energy efficiënt 399$ X1 WITH Kinect to get me on board again.

I actually get your point and agree with it.

PS4 and X1 are after the same customer base, WiiU attracts almost a completely different type of gamers.

And PS4 seems like a much much better option for that first user base, making it very hard for anyone to decide to choose X1 (mostly previous allegiance to that brand and the promise of a few future games). While WiiU just keeps minding its own business and plugging along at its own pace.

It's tough to predict far into the future, and I won't even attempt that, but short-term WiiU has a much better outlook at outselling X1. It has more exclusive games announced, and those exclusives seem much more promising and exciting than X1 exclusives. Since for anyone not tied to X1 exclusives and brand is much more sensible to purchase those multiplatform games on a PS4.


X1 has a long raod ahead of itself in the struggle to find its true identity, while WiiU already has an identity. And that I believe will help it to sell more.

It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4


FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?


Seece said:
It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4

Don't know about that tbh I recall Mario Kart 7 gave the 3DS a bump and the system was fine ever since because the game is a system seller that sells the platform for long periods and if the marketing continues it should maintain decen sales at least, I don't think the's anything announced or confirmed of similar commercial power coming for the X1 for the next few months at least while the U is said to have the months between MK and Smash filled with exclusives like Bayonetta 2, X and YY. To futher build on this point WDs came out last week and gave PS4 a good bump, X1 looks like it barely registered the game was out with a small 10k bump, tbh I think the X1 is in trouble at the moment and things at the end of the year could get much worse with Smash on the way as even with it's problems the U is establishing a unique library and identity while the PS4 is the first choice for everything else.

Around the Network
Seece said:
It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4


Wyrdness said:
Seece said:
It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4

Don't know about that tbh I recall Mario Kart 7 gave the 3DS a bump and the system was fine ever since because the game is a system seller that sells the platform for long periods and if the marketing continues it should maintain decen sales at least, I don't think the's anything announced or confirmed of similar commercial power coming for the X1 for the next few months at least while the U is said to have the months between MK and Smash filled with exclusives like Bayonetta 2, X and YY. To futher build on this point WDs came out last week and gave PS4 a good bump, X1 looks like it barely registered the game was out with a small 10k bump, tbh I think the X1 is in trouble at the moment and things at the end of the year could get much worse with Smash on the way as even with it's problems the U is establishing a unique library and identity while the PS4 is the first choice for everything else.

pretty sure it was fine ever since because the price was cut

Wyrdness said:
Seece said:
It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4

Don't know about that tbh I recall Mario Kart 7 gave the 3DS a bump and the system was fine ever since because the game is a system seller that sells the platform for long periods and if the marketing continues it should maintain decen sales at least, I don't think the's anything announced or confirmed of similar commercial power coming for the X1 for the next few months at least while the U is said to have the months between MK and Smash filled with exclusives like Bayonetta 2, X and YY. To futher build on this point WDs came out last week and gave PS4 a good bump, X1 looks like it barely registered the game was out with a small 10k bump, tbh I think the X1 is in trouble at the moment and things at the end of the year could get much worse with Smash on the way as even with it's problems the U is establishing a unique library and identity while the PS4 is the first choice for everything else.

$80 price cut, not Mario kart. You're vastly over estimating Mario Karts power here

WiiU isn't going to tell to anyone but Nintendo fans if all it has is an exclusive coming out once every few months and no third party to prop up the library.


the only reason the wiiu sold more is due to mk8 once that dies down in a couple weeks the wiiu will back to down to were it was the xone will most lily end up in 2nd unless ms does everything right and sony does everything wrong

Torillian said:
FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?

It has a effect offcourse.. But no i don't think so.. :)

PS1.. it had no games (other than wipeout) and almost all i know back then had either (or waited to buy it) N64 or Saturn.. IN the momement when we could get a chip for ps1.. All wanted a ps1

PS2.. could had won whitout the chip.. (and dreamcast was chipped to) but it did'nt hurt is saleswise thats 100% sure

Wii.. Wii was a litle the same.. and i bet a lot of the wii's sold after usb load/hack was out, was becourse of that

DS.. same DS would not hat reached 100 mill, if it wassent so easy to pirate..

I'm in that believe that pirates can really help a console.. it generate a lot of HW sale.. and some games too (buy it real or we ban you.. ms) or if the game is really good and have "extras" 

But the biggest "piracy sells games" is that a lot more people see the machine and games, and like it, and are not pirates them self (i think a lot of DS was sold that way)