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Wyrdness said:
Seece said:
It is amazing what a bump for ONE week can do to peoples opinions. Completely ignore the previous 80 odd weeks, a bump on the debut of arguably WiiU's biggest ever commercial game and hello, 1st place ahoy!!

Seriously, what are you gonna say in 2 weeks when Wiiu is dropping and XB1 rises due to price cut "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED YET AGAIN"

This gen is set in stone by a country mile, there will be 30m gaps between WiiU, XB1 and PS4

Don't know about that tbh I recall Mario Kart 7 gave the 3DS a bump and the system was fine ever since because the game is a system seller that sells the platform for long periods and if the marketing continues it should maintain decen sales at least, I don't think the's anything announced or confirmed of similar commercial power coming for the X1 for the next few months at least while the U is said to have the months between MK and Smash filled with exclusives like Bayonetta 2, X and YY. To futher build on this point WDs came out last week and gave PS4 a good bump, X1 looks like it barely registered the game was out with a small 10k bump, tbh I think the X1 is in trouble at the moment and things at the end of the year could get much worse with Smash on the way as even with it's problems the U is establishing a unique library and identity while the PS4 is the first choice for everything else.

$80 price cut, not Mario kart. You're vastly over estimating Mario Karts power here

WiiU isn't going to tell to anyone but Nintendo fans if all it has is an exclusive coming out once every few months and no third party to prop up the library.