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WolfpackN64 said:
I see a lot of people defending the X1 (I'm a former X360 user, now Wii U). The reality is, for now, the Wii U is selling very wel, and the X1 is underperforming. Another reality is that multiplats just sell better on the PS4. Honestly, I'm not enticed to buy an X1, and none of my friends (most of which had a X360) are really enticed to buy a X1, most already have a PS4, Wii U or both. Microsoft will have to make a more energy efficiënt 399$ X1 WITH Kinect to get me on board again.

I actually get your point and agree with it.

PS4 and X1 are after the same customer base, WiiU attracts almost a completely different type of gamers.

And PS4 seems like a much much better option for that first user base, making it very hard for anyone to decide to choose X1 (mostly previous allegiance to that brand and the promise of a few future games). While WiiU just keeps minding its own business and plugging along at its own pace.

It's tough to predict far into the future, and I won't even attempt that, but short-term WiiU has a much better outlook at outselling X1. It has more exclusive games announced, and those exclusives seem much more promising and exciting than X1 exclusives. Since for anyone not tied to X1 exclusives and brand is much more sensible to purchase those multiplatform games on a PS4.


X1 has a long raod ahead of itself in the struggle to find its true identity, while WiiU already has an identity. And that I believe will help it to sell more.