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why this talk of second place.. i bet Nintendo go for #1

And why not.. we (people who had followed sales past years) know that the console race is not over.. mayby not even begun.. heck the casuals had not decided either (and they are by fare the biggest and most important group salewise)

WiiU has the price.. The games.. (and will start geting 3 party again, when WiiU reach 10 mill) on top of that.. the WiiU is unik.. and offer some good value for the casuals..

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

So cool down.. wait atleast 2 more years, before saying that WiiU will be second :)