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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

I'm glad to see that United has recovered from this season's awful start!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Financial fair play was put in play to help rich clubs stay on top.
Clubs that use hedge funds to stay competitive in the CL, will tank coming next year.

Ka-pi96 said:
mZuzek said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Man City post a loss of £23m, £16m of which was from the fine for making a loss...

Yep, punish the teams that lose money by making them lose even more money... financial 'fair play' being as terrible an idea as ever. *sarcastic applause*

Just imagine if this rule was around when Portsmouth were spending money. They would have been made bankrupt the day they got the fine... Or would they have got away with it since they couldn't afford it? Yep, that REALLY sounds like 'fair play' alright...

They lose money because they're getting it from external sources. Financial fair play forces (or it's supposed to force at least) clubs to be sustainable and use only the money they generate themselves. Really, a Manchester City fan complaining about the FFP is the lowest of the low.

That aside, man I'm glad with those 2 wins (even if they weren't as satisfying, what with United winning too). Hopefully it gives the team and manager the confidence they've been lacking for so long ahead of the crucial game against Basel.

My main problem with FFP is that they claim it to be to stop clubs spending too much money and going bankrupt (like the Portsmouth example I gave) except that clearly isn't the case, fines would just make them go bankrupt quicker, the exact opposite of what they claim to be trying to do.

FFP exists solely for the purpose of keeping the big teams big and the small teams small.

who said it should stop clubs from going bankrupt? it exists to keep real teams on top and to punish faketeams that are just pushed with alot of outside money.

Ka-pi96 said:
generic-user-1 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

My main problem with FFP is that they claim it to be to stop clubs spending too much money and going bankrupt (like the Portsmouth example I gave) except that clearly isn't the case, fines would just make them go bankrupt quicker, the exact opposite of what they claim to be trying to do.

FFP exists solely for the purpose of keeping the big teams big and the small teams small.

who said it should stop clubs from going bankrupt? it exists to keep real teams on top and to punish faketeams that are just pushed with alot of outside money.

UEFA themselves said it. From UEFA president Platini 'Fifty per cent of clubs are losing money and this is an increasing trend. We needed to stop this downward spiral. They have spent more than they have earned in the past and haven't paid their debts. We don't want to kill or hurt the clubs; on the contrary, we want to help them in the market'

You are right about why it exists, but UEFA deny that and say something completely different.

i dont care what platini says with his whore mouth. he is just a corrupt bastard, nothing more.

and i pretty sure he said that because he had a deal with franz"the kaiser" beckenbauer, the FFP is benefiting the FC Bayern the most

 beckenbauer himself is a corrupt bastard too...

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About time Dortmund wins a damn match! :/

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---


Ka-pi96 said:

Man City post a loss of £23m, £16m of which was from the fine for making a loss...

Yep, punish the teams that lose money by making them lose even more money... financial 'fair play' being as terrible an idea as ever. *sarcastic applause*

Just imagine if this rule was around when Portsmouth were spending money. They would have been made bankrupt the day they got the fine... Or would they have got away with it since they couldn't afford it? Yep, that REALLY sounds like 'fair play' alright...

Should simply be a points-based punishment.


Big game on Monday for Saints, playing a midtable club to keep up with our rivals.

Hmm, pie.

Ka-pi96 said:
2-0! Cisse again!

Chelsea about to lose for the first time this season

... Until Newcastle bottle it.