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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Ka-pi96 said:
AZWification said:

Holy cow, and people thought the fee for Pogba was ridiculous!

Well, that was ridiculous on the basis that they let him go for nothing only to spend that much to bring him back

I know practically nothing about Lemar, seems like a pretty crazy amount still though. Especially when in 3 years time he'll be fed up at not competing for the biggest trophies at Arsenal and will hand in a transfer request

Oh yeah, you're right. In regards to Lemar, he's pretty good but nowhere close worth 92m. I'd say he's worth 50m-55m.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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This transfer window was a disaster. I have no idea why they'd bid 92m on Lemar and not even try to sign defenders and a holding midfielder.. N'Zonzi, William Carvalho or that guy who West Brom signed from PSG. I can't spell his name, Kryschwoziski or something heh. Lemar would have solved nothing.

And why didn't they let Alexis go ffs? What a fucking mess 😐

#wengerout #kroenkeout

The transfer market this year has been a real circus.

Annndddd the Lemar move has apparently fallen through, sums up Arsenal's early season so far.

Poor Gibraltar oh well.

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I'm sorry to disappoint Wenger, but Lemar's price has went up to 150m after today's match.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Not even kidding, I'm happy we lost only 4-0. If France wanted to this shit easily could have gone double digits.

I'm dead serious, the USA has a better team than the Netherlands right now.

Stupid witsel getting a red card against gibraltar, it could have been 10-0 with him now the match ended with 9-0. Basically if Belgium get a point in the next three matches they are qualified to go to Russia.