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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

+ Division
- Witcher


Around the Network

1. The Division - 8
2. Below - 8
3. Mirrors Edge 2 - 2
4. No Man's Sky - 22
5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 5
6. Earthlock - 10


Fantasia Music Evolved
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Sunset Overdrive
The Order 1886
Fable Legends
Quantum Break
Final Fantasy XV
Assassins Creed Unity
Alien: Isolation
Project Spark
Sonic Boom
Halo 5
Batman: Arkham Knight
Uncharted 4
The Crew
Deep Down
Bayonetta 2
Metro 2033: Redux
Kingdom Hearts 3
Dying Light
Mario Kart 8
The Witness
Legend of Zelda: U
The Evil Within
Yoshi's Yarn
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Mass Effect 4
Super Smash Bros
Far Cry 4
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Updated as of 16:15pm GMT - Seece


Nothing to lose
- The Division
+ Mirror's Edge 2

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Seece said:

I've only seen 1 person vote up Earthlock, and No Man's Sky looks fucking amazing. Just because it's an indie doesn't mean it can't be a great game.

What looks so amazing about it?  The graphical style?  The details we've received, it's a gathering/survival game with fps space ship shooting.  The parts in the ship, the little snippets we've seen in the gameplay trailer really don't even look very good.  Or how about this part....

...If you watch the video I linked above where I started it at, the ships that are destroyed just disappear instantly as they're destroyed.  Like they just turn into nothing.  I'm betting that even if the game does some things its going for well, it'll overall be a poorly developed game that's not that good yet gets massively overrated for nothing more than it's graphical style, which if people aren't voting on it because their favorite games are gone so they just knock out everyone elses favorite games, then they're probably voting on it because it's graphical style and nothing more.


And I didn't notice it before, but Below is another indie game on there.  Watching a video of that, it's looks like the developers thought how they could develop one of the most generic hack and slash games ever created and then hype it up like it's some kind of amazing game by doing a bunch of interviews.  There's a reason the games sell for $10, and it's rarely because they're these amazing mind blowing games that everyone makes them out to be.  Some games are good or even great, but 99.9% of the indie titles released, even the high profile ones aren't anything more than okay or playable.  Everyone overrates indie games because they're by a small group of people.  Whether i t's by one person or 100 people, that doesn't change the quality of the finished product.  Same thing whether the game is this good for $10 or it's this good for $60.  Value doesn't change the quality of the product.

AZWification said:

Gee! I wonder which game is going to win!

Hint: It sure as hell is not going to be the Division.

Witcher 3 is looking shaky as well.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Around the Network

+ No Man's Sky
- Earthlock">"><img src="

+ Witcher
- Division

kupomogli said:
Seece said:

I've only seen 1 person vote up Earthlock, and No Man's Sky looks fucking amazing. Just because it's an indie doesn't mean it can't be a great game.

What looks so amazing about it?  The graphical style?  The details we've received, it's a gathering/survival game with fps space ship shooting.  The parts in the ship, the little snippets we've seen in the gameplay trailer really don't even look very good.  Or how about this part....

...If you watch the video I linked above where I started it at, the ships that are destroyed just disappear instantly as they're destroyed.  Like they just turn into nothing.  I'm betting that even if the game does some things its going for well, it'll overall be a poorly developed game that's not that good yet gets massively overrated for nothing more than it's graphical style, which if people aren't voting on it because their favorite games are gone so they just knock out everyone elses favorite games, then they're probably voting on it because it's graphical style and nothing more.

Can we stop these silly assumptions. I find NMS the only interesting game left from the list, so I'm voting on it.

It's refeshing to see new games, try new things. I've grown tired of Ubisoft's games and was never a fan of Witcher. Which leaves some other games I don't care for. Or ones just look mediocre (Earthlock).

+ Mirror Edge 2
- No Man's Sky

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

No Man's Sky +
Earthlock -