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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Digital Foundry confirms MK8 720p, No AA



"Fist-sized pixels" 190 35.78%
"But it looks AMAZI... 326 61.39%
padib said:
Justagamer said:
padib said:
I'm not gonna buy it now. *crosses arms* :(

Your avatar is this thread in a nutshell. Lol, perfect.

I wish I were so whitty to come up with it, it's hilarious. =)

I didn't see goochs post, it is great.

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prayformojo said:
brendude13 said:
prayformojo said:
brendude13 said:

Nobody should have been expecting 1080p. Some fans really jumped the gun after that Eurogamer article.

Footage still looked great.

Can you blame Wii-U owners? It's got to get depressing after awhile having so much negative news hitting you in the face 24/7.

Negative news is posted about almost every console. This isn't a special case.

Having your console of choice sell at sub Dreamcast levels is definitely a special case lol

Not really, PS4 is a flop in Japan if you didn't know already.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Nothing will stop me from buying this game once I get a Wii U in the future.

640x360 no AA is pretty rough for 4 player splitscreen racing, not that there is a wealth of choice in that genre.
Expectations lowered, buying anyway.

Justagamer said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Haha, I saw this on padibs avatar, thought it was his find or creation. I must give credit where it is due: well done! That is how some are acting in this thread, but you should make one with the aa too...

The difference being that no AA at all is incredibly easy to see, while the double frame stutter is not. To be honest the only people who have made a big deal out of it has been Nintendo fans (the creator of the 59fps thread just got back a while ago after being banned for attacking sony fans). Digital foundry literally said in the same paragraph that they mentioned it that it had no effect on the gameplay, and wouldn't be noticed by the majority of people. A part most seem to have skipped on reading.

But of course, let's all sit back and pretend that we are only saying this because it's MK8. It's not like people (myself included) have made similar complaints about DC.

99% of the posts about the 720p no AA have been that it's disappointing. Unlike what is being implied, people aren't running around saying the game is ruined, just saying that it's a disappointment. How dare people say such a thing in a thread thats topic is MK8's performance...

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Justagamer said:
What's the motivation from certain console owners with this uncontrollable urge to bash mario kart 8? There sure is a lot of guys trying their hardest to downplay this game, for whatever reason. 720p and no aa? What's it matter to you guys, you aren't going to play it anyway, so why are you trying so hard?

No one is bashing MK8.

This thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy. Remember them dancing in the street when it was "announced" that MK would have 1080p60? Parading themselves, gloating about the hidden power of the WiiU. All the while always pretending as if graphics don't matter.

Also it matters greatly to me because I have to buy this WiiU soon, just to play its games. Miyamoto is personally forcing me to do so. So I have all the right to complain about what a weak piece of hardware the WiiU is.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

TheSting said:

Stairs? Where am i overlooking stairs? Fuck i cant see

You might want to google "aliasing".

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

padib said:

The hypocrisy is an illusion, we are not a symbiotic mind with mirror image abilities.

I don't believe you. Every Nintendo fan I ever met said the game looked AMAZING. That's what a hive mind would say.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Justagamer said:
What's the motivation from certain console owners with this uncontrollable urge to bash mario kart 8? There sure is a lot of guys trying their hardest to downplay this game, for whatever reason. 720p and no aa? What's it matter to you guys, you aren't going to play it anyway, so why are you trying so hard?

No one is bashing MK8.

This thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy. Remember them dancing in the street when it was "announced" that MK would have 1080p60? Parading themselves, gloating about the hidden power of the WiiU. All the while always pretending as if graphics don't matter.

Also it matters greatly to me because I have to buy this piece of shit WiiU just to play its games. Miyamoto is personally forcing me to do so. So I have all the right to complain about what a weak piece of hardware the WiiU is.

Exactly... all people have done is expressed their disappointing about MK8's performance in a thread for which the topic is MK8's performance. That's it. No one has said the stutter frame is a big deal (in-fact DF specially stated it wasn't), there aren't crowds of people saying MK8 is now ruined; just a general attitude of disappointment.

It's not like this is reserved to MK8 either. People likewise expressed their disappointment at the 900p/30fps WD announcement, and many of us have been complaining about DC's need to improve its AA for months.

Why people feel the need to attack those of us that have standards for the games being released on new consoles it beyond me.

RolStoppable said:
padib said:

The hypocrisy is an illusion, we are not a symbiotic mind with mirror image abilities.

I don't think it's an illusion. But if the claim is that hypocrisy is what this thread is about, then vivster should make a compilation of quotes.

I started it as an innocent "posting a fact" thread. But the people turned it to the "nintendo fans hypocrisy" thread. It's totally out of my hands now.

Also I'm lazy.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.