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vivster said:
Justagamer said:
What's the motivation from certain console owners with this uncontrollable urge to bash mario kart 8? There sure is a lot of guys trying their hardest to downplay this game, for whatever reason. 720p and no aa? What's it matter to you guys, you aren't going to play it anyway, so why are you trying so hard?

No one is bashing MK8.

This thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy. Remember them dancing in the street when it was "announced" that MK would have 1080p60? Parading themselves, gloating about the hidden power of the WiiU. All the while always pretending as if graphics don't matter.

Also it matters greatly to me because I have to buy this piece of shit WiiU just to play its games. Miyamoto is personally forcing me to do so. So I have all the right to complain about what a weak piece of hardware the WiiU is.

Exactly... all people have done is expressed their disappointing about MK8's performance in a thread for which the topic is MK8's performance. That's it. No one has said the stutter frame is a big deal (in-fact DF specially stated it wasn't), there aren't crowds of people saying MK8 is now ruined; just a general attitude of disappointment.

It's not like this is reserved to MK8 either. People likewise expressed their disappointment at the 900p/30fps WD announcement, and many of us have been complaining about DC's need to improve its AA for months.

Why people feel the need to attack those of us that have standards for the games being released on new consoles it beyond me.