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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - "Halo 5: Guardians" revealed : Fall 2015. More Halo at E3 for 2014 (Halo 2 ?)

3 year dev cycle will ensure quality, so no Halo 4 MP mishaps

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New engine? Halo should look really great then.

kowenicki said:
eFKac said:
So much for a 2014 release date on which MS insisted. Shame cause I liked the pretty CGI cutscenes from Halo 4

No they didnt.

Take your baiting elsewhere.  Its tedious.

damn lol

Smartest nam evila

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Seems a bit low key, but nobody forget the impact and pull this series has. Wonder what MS will actually show, maybe Halo 2 anniversary and a Halo 5 trailer.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


DerNebel said:
kowenicki said:
DerNebel said:

How about you stop taking everything as a dig? Some people are like you described, but that doesn't mean I am, for example I was mighty pissed of after I stayed up for Sonys stupid launch event, just to get nothing but this completely worthless Uncharted teaser.

I also hate it when Sony announces announcements.

So my stance would've been the same if this was Sony news, announcements like this are imo pointless.

My point stands.  If a tweet came, just a tweet, with a date for Uncharted then this forum would explode. 

Allow people who like halo to be excited, is that so difficult?

I am, if people get excited over this, great. I'm still allowed to voice my opinion though, which is all I did. ;)

I will be the first to say that just because you have an opinion not all the time it needs to be voiced.  Not saying that your opinion needed to be voiced or not just saying in general people should probably think if their opinion really adds something to a topic.

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vivster said:
That is ouch. I expected spring 2015.
Now if UC4 releases in early 2015 we can't compare them directly :(

Haven't Halo always come out in the fall.  Its probably not like 343 to stop tradition.

Why are they revealing this before E3? Do they really have that much content?

eFKac said:
So much for a 2014 release date on which MS insisted. Shame cause I liked the pretty CGI cutscenes from Halo 4

"Your Halo journey begins in 2014"

Corporate speak and vague words are key here. And even if it means they delayed the game a year and will release Halo 2 Anniversary this year, that is great news. Halo mainline games are at their best with 3 year dev cycles.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
3 year dev cycle will ensure quality, so no Halo 4 MP mishaps

Yep. New engine too. Hopefully it's not open world. There's also been H2 anniversary. Goig to be a big holiday season for the Xbox One in 2015.