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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Far Cry 4 announced, will be released on November 18th (PS4, Xbox One, PC, 360, PS3)


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Also what's wrong with it being cross gen?


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
Also what's wrong with it being cross gen?

PS3 and Xbox 360 will hold back the quality of PS4 and Xbox One versions.

SnowPrince said:
I'm much more surprised that there were no leaks of this game before the official announcement, good job Ubi !

lol what are you talking about? we already knew the game was in development and knew the location. 

The picture actually makes me think of Saints Row rather than Far Cry.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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Yeah, whatever. Just give me Blood Dragon 2, it was superior in most ways to FC3.

Seriously, Ubisoft, please don't make me play as a douche-bag character with douche-bag friends and allies in a story that's as bad as video-games have ever seen. Also, goddamn it, I guess this means more tigers. I thought they were endangered, yet there were more tigers per square mile in FC3 than deer. How the fuck do they survive? Cannibalism?

FC3 did a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Blood Dragon fixed a lot of those problems. Look at Blood Dragon as your true model for FC4!

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to it. I just hope to see some improvements.

adriane23 said:
The picture actually makes me think of Saints Row rather than Far Cry.

The picture reminds me of Uncharted 2.

MohammadBadir said:
No next gen versions?

Ubisoft is obviously insane for not making a PS5 version! >:(

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I loved FC3... so will get this day 1. It's certainly made winter 2014 look a bit better after the two major game delays, so thats good :)

I don't think Ubisoft were going to talk about it until E3, but the earnings release doc gave it away :) (and the division delay).

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

AZWification said:
MohammadBadir said:
No next gen versions?

Ubisoft is obviously insane for not making a PS5 version! >:(

Yeah, That trip to the future seems for nothing now ):