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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2014 NPD Thread!

PS4 didn't do too great either but X1 still did very badly.
Vita did horribly, and Wii U did bad as usual. May NPD will have X1 much lower which is very worrying.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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So how does VGChartz always overtrack the X1 so much?
Im pretty sure it will be below 100k in May but VGChartz will probably have 3 times the amount for some weird reason.

PS4 is doing good - Especially with the thin lineup they currently have.
There is a 100k difference - They won't need to fear the official 400$ X1 at all

Again.... PS4 did decent in a month between 2 huge launch months and after already sold a lot of units the previous months. People really need to see this again...

US NPD Harwdare January to April

2007 WII 1,390,000
2001 PS2 1,350,000
2014 PS4 1,110,000
2006 360 900,000
2014 XBO 830,000
2007 PS3 580,000
2002 XBX 480,000
2002 NGC 330,000
2013 WIU 230,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.
US NPD Hardware Total After 6 months

PS4 3,110,000
XBO 2,640,000
WII 2,480,000
PS2 2,130,000
XBX 1,880,000
NGC 1,530,000
360 1,500,000
PS3 1,280,000
WIU 1,120,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.

Those are official NPD numbers.

As everyone can see, PS4 have a huge lead over the rest after its first 6 months, and despite the huge advatage it took in Nov-Dec, is still 3rd between Jan-Apr.

To put some more perspective. X360 and PS3 in its first 6 months combined summed less than PS4 by itself. HOW PEOPLE CAN SAY PS4 IS DOING BAD???. Look, even XBO is not even doing that bad, it'll probably end the first 12 months beating X360 numbers too or at least, very similar.

And for some people discussing May numbers...., PS4 will do more than 300k probably just because Watch Dogs bundle. If Infamous SS did 370k for PS4 in a 5 week month, I expect WD to push more hardware per week. We have already Ben saying is already doing better pre WD release, and he was spot on in previous situations. XBO on the other side, will be similar to April numbers, around 100-120k, despite WD launch because the announcement of the "pricecut" in June.

Xbox 360 did over 270k in the U.S. in april 2006, so XOne is starting to fall behind that really quickly. Though the 360 did have more game releases at the time.

Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.


Yeah, but vita is dead. So... there is that very relevant fact. I repeat, very relevant fact.

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oniyide said:
does anyone still think having a kinect less SKU is a bad idea?

I do. They should have tried to find another way. Frankly, I liked kinect and all the features that it allowed. I think getting rid of it was a terrible move. Yes, it was important to bring the price down...and there was probably a LOT of pressure from the higher ups to do something...but they should've tried something else.

Like I said months on months ago, xb1's main competitor is x360.

...This is not to say that xb1 is fine as it is, but that given what was launched and where they are, they needed to stick to the plan. Yes, they released a console whose main marketing campaign offered feature indistinguishable from x360, and they should have done something else....but now that it's done and launched and finalized etc, all they're doing is slowly killing its identity.

They're going to need to bring those games, and hard.

In my honest opinion, it looks like everyone is freaking out over at MS and there is no clear leadership.

SoftHimbeer said:
So how does VGChartz always overtrack the X1 so much?
Im pretty sure it will be below 100k in May but VGChartz will probably have 3 times the amount for some weird reason.

PS4 is doing good - Especially with the thin lineup they currently have.
There is a 100k difference - They won't need to fear the official 400$ X1 at all

There were similar complaints a few years back when Source was around. It seems that the wii was overtracked month after month. It was actually kind of funny, cuz people would play "how much will the wii be overtracked this month" games. It's understandable if it happens a couple of times, but not several months in a row. There's a problem with their sources and need to adjust them. Or whatever they were gonna predict that xb1 sold for a week, deduct 30% just to be closer to what the numbers will look like according to NPD.

PS4 going to drop in May? lol. Yes it's going to drop...a bomb...of huge sales!

Kresnik said:

Well well well. This is grim. That PS4 number isn't exactly anything to write home about either.

Looks like we overshot Titanfall XB1 sales by some order of magnitude too, while remaining within a 10% margin of error on InFAMOUS. Kinda mirrors what happened with the hardware sales, too.

And what's this? Conception 2 didn't sell 40k FW on Vita and 20k FW on 3DS? I am shocked.

Aside from that, one thing I learnt about the Demon Gaze number a few weeks ago from Houk (NISA translator) on their forums is that NPD don't track NISA online store sales. So while 6k is low... it's not as low as I used to think with these types of games due to the fact that I'd imagine a large amount of sales come directly from their store (due to it being the only place you can buy the LE). So that's... somewhat nice. It'll still be overtracked, but I'd suggest not by 9k as it appears on the numbers here.

Oh and also, Mario Golf, what happened?  I know it'll sell with legs but these seem like really tepid first month sales.

First *week* sales, really. It's a may game.

Though i've never quite seen the appeal of Mario Golf myself.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

kowenicki said:
Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.


A lot?

by how much?

it will be similar at best. 

BenVTrigger has an incredible track record and he called this months NPD a long time ago. He said both consoles dropped in sales but the XB1 was struggling. 115k sales for the month and the pre-emptive NPD announcement of a Kinect-less SKU for $400 and dropping the paywall for apps like Netflix only further strengthen his claim from weeks ago.

In this thread he already stated that MLB The Show sold incredible and that PS4 is already tracking ahead of April #s.



Considering his track record I would say it is very likely the PS4 sales go up. Remember, PS4 had no noticable releases in April. For May it has MLB 14 & Watchdogs.

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