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Again.... PS4 did decent in a month between 2 huge launch months and after already sold a lot of units the previous months. People really need to see this again...

US NPD Harwdare January to April

2007 WII 1,390,000
2001 PS2 1,350,000
2014 PS4 1,110,000
2006 360 900,000
2014 XBO 830,000
2007 PS3 580,000
2002 XBX 480,000
2002 NGC 330,000
2013 WIU 230,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.
US NPD Hardware Total After 6 months

PS4 3,110,000
XBO 2,640,000
WII 2,480,000
PS2 2,130,000
XBX 1,880,000
NGC 1,530,000
360 1,500,000
PS3 1,280,000
WIU 1,120,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.

Those are official NPD numbers.

As everyone can see, PS4 have a huge lead over the rest after its first 6 months, and despite the huge advatage it took in Nov-Dec, is still 3rd between Jan-Apr.

To put some more perspective. X360 and PS3 in its first 6 months combined summed less than PS4 by itself. HOW PEOPLE CAN SAY PS4 IS DOING BAD???. Look, even XBO is not even doing that bad, it'll probably end the first 12 months beating X360 numbers too or at least, very similar.

And for some people discussing May numbers...., PS4 will do more than 300k probably just because Watch Dogs bundle. If Infamous SS did 370k for PS4 in a 5 week month, I expect WD to push more hardware per week. We have already Ben saying is already doing better pre WD release, and he was spot on in previous situations. XBO on the other side, will be similar to April numbers, around 100-120k, despite WD launch because the announcement of the "pricecut" in June.