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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox one will catch up soon with PS4 and then outsell it in the USA

Madword said:
DD_Bwest said:
TheDrill said:

You fail to understand that I did the math.

I understand perfectly well that both the ps4 and x1 are selling units, but for the last 4 weeks X1 either outself bu ~ 2-5k , per week or had the same sales as a PS4. furthermore before that the PS4 only outself X1 by ~3-5 k, if even that.

What that means is that for PS4 to gain 1 % edge on X1 it needs to sell approximatively 60k units, at the current pace it will take months to gain just 1 % over X1.

No it hasnt, and NPD just confirmed it.

I'm assuming he's still holding onto the VGC numbers... gah. Sometimes I worry about people on the internet.

Keep it going guys, this thread is the best comedy of 2014 :D

The gap by June will be immense. It's already what, 500k, 600k? ~2.6M vs. ~3.1M US? Wider? At that gap it's something like 20% in favor of PS4 already.

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Nate4Drake said:
TheDrill said:

Xbox 360 has dominated USA  last generation, and people forget that even with all the bad reputation, the higher price cut X1 didn't sell significantly less than the PS4 in here.

In the USA, as of today the Xbox one only sold  approximatively only 11 % less than PS4 did

And for the last few weeks X1 sold on par or even slightly more than the PS4.

Now that the price cut has been announced, as well as Halo and the ability to run IE and netflix without paying for gold, I expect it to sell a lot more.

A considerable advantage is that all these announcement, especailly the price cut will convince a lot of xbox 360 owners to upgrade, and considering how well xbox 360 sold in USA, there are many of them.

The current difference between PS4 and X1 in the US is  322004 units.

That means that if xbox starts selling 10k more than it does currently,  (only a 20 % increase in sales) or about 60k, it needs only  32 weeks, or 8 months to catch up. Considering that it will sell a lot during Christmas, It will have more units sold in the US by January 2015, and start outselling it from there.

After that it will slowly grow and eventually sell more long a term considerably more than the PS4.


EDIT: Please learn to read, in the USA not worldwide, only in the USA.

Please, you are the one who should learn to read...



PS4: ~199k

XBO: 115k

360: 71k

Wii U: ~49k

PSV < 3.4k

VGChartz continues to OVERTRACK XBone in NA, every week, then they have to adjust... 

 NPD says PS4 won 4 months in a Row. PS4 also won NPD in November. XBone only won NPD in Dec.


Hardware :

“Sony’s PlayStation 4 was the No. 1 platform for hardware sales in April for the fourth month in a row!

It's not a matter of price, you can find XOne at a very competitive price when it is bundled with free games, cheaper than PS4 + one game ;)
MS is in trouble.

Yep, and thanks to Next-Gen thirst saved up for years, Nov/Dec numbers were almost purely production limited for both PS4/XB1. Real long term demand is indicated by solely 2014 sales.

Arkaign said:

Keep it going guys, this thread is the best comedy of 2014 :D

The gap by June will be immense. It's already what, 500k, 600k? ~2.6M vs. ~3.1M US? Wider? At that gap it's something like 20% in favor of PS4 already.

Holiday will shrink the gap, but not significantly, probably 250k at most. Thats assuming worst case scenario for PS4.

If that gap persists into next year, XB1 still has a chance but PS4 could pull away.

However, if that gap gets to 750k+ in US, Xb1 is done.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Rafux said:
TheDrill said:
teigaga said:
The XO will definitely see a strong boost in sales after a $100 price cut, its crazy to think otherwise. Whether it outperforms the PS4 longterm all depends on the games. As someone who's probably gonna pick up a ps4 first, I'm actually slightly worried about sonys line up 2014. Microsoft on the otherhand look like they have a hit on their hands with Sunset Overdrive and will have a garunteed systsem seller in the form of a halo

Thank you for being reasonable, most people are blind

in the usa ps4 has only 10 % more units sold, and that is being at a lower price, and launching earlier.

This proves how close the battle is, and how close it will become with the price cut.

"most people are blind"

Oh the irony. Ya best be trollin' son you chose to ignore a NPD report confirmed by MS and you call others blind. You can get a 449$ X1 with Titanfall and Kinect right now the price cut wont give that strong of a boost and MS lost America where they have a huge advantage don't dismiss the fact of PS4 taking USA back, it was very well played by Sony.

Some web admin published an NPD arcticle on the xbox site, doesn't comfirm anything.

Microsoft only knows how much they shipped, they don't count sales either.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Arkaign said:

Keep it going guys, this thread is the best comedy of 2014 :D

The gap by June will be immense. It's already what, 500k, 600k? ~2.6M vs. ~3.1M US? Wider? At that gap it's something like 20% in favor of PS4 already.

Holiday will shrink the gap, but not significantly, probably 250k at most. Thats assuming worst case scenario for PS4.

If that gap persists into next year, XB1 still has a chance but PS4 could pull away.

However, if that gap gets to 750k+ in US, Xb1 is done.

Going with smart estimates, April should be ~85k for XB1, ~250k for PS4. That will put 160k+ towards the PS4 number. Then you have all the multiplats pushing PS4 advantages into fall.

If something big doesn't happen, the gap could widen to 1M by Jan 1st, 2015. (taking into account that ~750k will be nearly there by June 1st).

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TheDrill said:
Rafux said:

"most people are blind"

Oh the irony. Ya best be trollin' son you chose to ignore a NPD report confirmed by MS and you call others blind. You can get a 449$ X1 with Titanfall and Kinect right now the price cut wont give that strong of a boost and MS lost America where they have a huge advantage don't dismiss the fact of PS4 taking USA back, it was very well played by Sony.

Some web admin published an NPD arcticle on the xbox site, doesn't comfirm anything.

Microsoft only knows how much they shipped, they don't count sales either.

...  are you suggesting that a web admin published an article on the main xbox website, releasing innacurate sales figures lower than what was achieved, and no one spotted this error and took it down?

or are you now suggesting that NPD is wrong?

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

DD_Bwest said:

...  are you suggesting that a web admin published an article on the main xbox website, releasing innacurate sales figures lower than what was achieved, and no one spotted this error and took it down?

or are you now suggesting that NPD is wrong?

Yes. He is.

It's possible but its not likely, not even in the US

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030

TheDrill said:
Rafux said:
TheDrill said:
teigaga said:
The XO will definitely see a strong boost in sales after a $100 price cut, its crazy to think otherwise. Whether it outperforms the PS4 longterm all depends on the games. As someone who's probably gonna pick up a ps4 first, I'm actually slightly worried about sonys line up 2014. Microsoft on the otherhand look like they have a hit on their hands with Sunset Overdrive and will have a garunteed systsem seller in the form of a halo

Thank you for being reasonable, most people are blind

in the usa ps4 has only 10 % more units sold, and that is being at a lower price, and launching earlier.

This proves how close the battle is, and how close it will become with the price cut.

"most people are blind"

Oh the irony. Ya best be trollin' son you chose to ignore a NPD report confirmed by MS and you call others blind. You can get a 449$ X1 with Titanfall and Kinect right now the price cut wont give that strong of a boost and MS lost America where they have a huge advantage don't dismiss the fact of PS4 taking USA back, it was very well played by Sony.

Some web admin published an NPD arcticle on the xbox site, doesn't comfirm anything.

Microsoft only knows how much they shipped, they don't count sales either.

"Some web admin published an NPD arcticle on the xbox site, doesn't comfirm anything."

Do you even read what you write before posting? That site is official.


Just show him how much both consoles have sold since january 2014 (nov and dec were launch hype).

It have been like 1.5:1 or more. Sure vgc have worst numbers because they have been lost.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."