wow. such delusion and diskinect. They've been out full force with this garbage on here.
wow. such delusion and diskinect. They've been out full force with this garbage on here.
Nicklesbe said: You keep making the mistake of thinking of sales numbers as stationary. In reality they are more like comparing two moving trains. Sure at one point Ps4 may have been ahead by 10% but you are ignoring the speed they are being sold. Xb1 has been going at snails pace. It is insane and illogical to think that the sales will be boosted to a significant amount because of a manufacturers price drop to $399 and the removal of a part that is so integral to the console's design that it was it's main selling point. Especially since retailers in the US dropped the price of the console itself to $330 and it's been that price for awhile now with no significant boost in sales. If anything sales Have been decreasing.
The current market value of an Xb1 with a kinect is $330. Ya subtract all the add ins from the titanfall bundles that were suppose to be a game changers(spoiler alert they weren't) and that is what you are left with. Microsoft's price drop isn't going to change that because the retailers that are desperate to get rid of them significantly lowered that price more already with negligible change. The retailers have been burned by MS, they know the consoles aren't selling. The retailers know what their customers want more than anyone. You really think any manager in their right mind is going to order a shit ton of the new kinectless Xb1's when they still got a bunch of bundles taking up space on their shelves with a significant price cut while ps4s consistently sells out with no price cut? No they are at best going to order a small amount. So even if demand boosts a significant amount which it won't the supply won't be there. Even if the managers want to Microsoft will purposely keep supply strained. That's because at this point this is nothing more than a marketing ploy to create false demand so they can sell the console bundles that are collecting dust. What they want to happen is this: Lets say a customer walks into a store, lets call him Arthur B. Dipshit. Arthur B. Dipshit walks into target with his goofy shit eating grin and he walks up to an employee and says "One kinectless Xbox One for $399 puleez" and much to his chagrin the employee will say "Ah shucks sorry amigo but we are sold out of those currently, will have more next week. However we have these sweet Titanfall bundles that include kinect for $450. So you could wait a week and get the the $399 version that doesn't come with anything or you can get this bundle which ends up being a value of $69 bucks so you can buy another game with those games" Then they'd expect good ol Arthur to say "derp sure thing!".
However in reality what will happen most of the time is that the customer will say "No thanks, fuck that noise. I wanted to get an Xb1 with a power boost and without the constant fear of advertisers and the NSA watching my every move when ever I play online. Instead Ill just buy another ps4 I know I already have one but compared to the alternative it's great. Or hell give me a wii u. Oh shit is that a panini maker and toaster oven? Shit I'll buy that instead.".
So what will happen is their sales will continue to be slow and stagnant while ps4 continues at a decent pace and remains ahead. Then eventually an Xbox One fanboy will call his friend on the phone and be like "Hey what's up man? Wanna play some Halo 5? Oh you got tired of Halo after 3 and enjoy Destiney better? That's cool...Wanna play it? Oh you got it on PC..gotcha....How about some titanfall? I know we played the maps like 2000 times already but there are suppose to be dlc maps soon...Oh you switched to PC with that because of better graphics and frame rates? Cool what are you up to anyway?...Oh you just got done feeling like you really punched a shark in the face under water thanks to Morpheus? That sounds badass.....What do you mean I should buy a ps4? Na man I am too wrapped up in brand loyalty and self delusion for that to happen. So I'll just do what I'll always do and ignore games for awhile and just go online and make wild, insane, illogical, unfounded, and delusional claims about Xbox's superiority and how it will retake it's spot on a throne it's never had because it's never managed to actually win a generation. Then when people logically correct my obviously incorrect theories I'll call them blind and unreasonable."
BTW it's good to know that all we have to do in order to be considered reasonable by you is to agree with you no matter how incorrect and deluded you are. For future reference tho you may want this That way you know what is actually required in order to be reasonable and why you are anything but. So keep deluding yourself if ya want, keep back tracking and lying about what ya originally said like Rob Ford on a crack binge and keep defending your illogical and unfounded theories again like Rob Ford on a crack binge. All it does is entertain us and makes you look like you might of had a good theory once but then had a stroke right in the middle.
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That is pretty fucking impressive.
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank
TheDrill said: Xbox 360 has dominated USA last generation, and people forget that even with all the bad reputation, the higher price cut X1 didn't sell significantly less than the PS4 in here. In the USA, as of today the Xbox one only sold approximatively only 11 % less than PS4 did And for the last few weeks X1 sold on par or even slightly more than the PS4. Now that the price cut has been announced, as well as Halo and the ability to run IE and netflix without paying for gold, I expect it to sell a lot more. A considerable advantage is that all these announcement, especailly the price cut will convince a lot of xbox 360 owners to upgrade, and considering how well xbox 360 sold in USA, there are many of them. The current difference between PS4 and X1 in the US is 322004 units. That means that if xbox starts selling 10k more than it does currently, (only a 20 % increase in sales) or about 60k, it needs only 32 weeks, or 8 months to catch up. Considering that it will sell a lot during Christmas, It will have more units sold in the US by January 2015, and start outselling it from there. After that it will slowly grow and eventually sell more long a term considerably more than the PS4.
EDIT: Please learn to read, in the USA not worldwide, only in the USA. |
And this is assuming that people who got PS4s, sometimes waited months to be able to find one, did in fact want xbox ones, but could not afford to spend 100$ more on it? (or even less when it was heavily discounted in March/April).
I think the price drop is nice, but assuming things keep going as they are, I don't see why it would make much difference, until either side release some big titles for their new console (we will see if Sony dropped the ball at E3, if MS delivers the big titles, etc. and how all the multi-platform titles end up performing on their console once liberated from the few ressources Kinect was hogging).
So, I don't think price alone, even with the newfound reason for free Apps/web browser access (these are just "doh" aspects of a device now, it was a net negative before, now it's a neutral, because everyone does it).
Also, the xbox one remains the weaker console, realistically it should cost 50 to 100$ less than the PS4 (from the customer's point of view, you sacrifice your gaming experience when you buy this machine).
TheDrill said:
Doesn't confirm anything, it's just news, they quote NPD |
This may be the dumbest comment I've ever seen on this sight.
TheDrill said:
Doesn't confirm anything, it's just news, they quote NPD |
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank
Nicklesbe said:
You keep making the mistake of thinking of sales numbers as stationary. In reality they are more like comparing two moving trains. Sure at one point Ps4 may have been ahead by 10% but you are ignoring the speed they are being sold. Xb1 has been going at snails pace. It is insane and illogical to think that the sales will be boosted to a significant amount because of a manufacturers price drop to $399 and the removal of a part that is so integral to the console's design that it was it's main selling point. Especially since retailers in the US dropped the price of the console itself to $330 and it's been that price for awhile now with no significant boost in sales. If anything sales Have been decreasing.
The current market value of an Xb1 with a kinect is $330. Ya subtract all the add ins from the titanfall bundles that were suppose to be a game changers(spoiler alert they weren't) and that is what you are left with. Microsoft's price drop isn't going to change that because the retailers that are desperate to get rid of them significantly lowered that price more already with negligible change. The retailers have been burned by MS, they know the consoles aren't selling. The retailers know what their customers want more than anyone. You really think any manager in their right mind is going to order a shit ton of the new kinectless Xb1's when they still got a bunch of bundles taking up space on their shelves with a significant price cut while ps4s consistently sells out with no price cut? No they are at best going to order a small amount. So even if demand boosts a significant amount which it won't the supply won't be there. Even if the managers want to Microsoft will purposely keep supply strained. That's because at this point this is nothing more than a marketing ploy to create false demand so they can sell the console bundles that are collecting dust. What they want to happen is this: Lets say a customer walks into a store, lets call him Arthur B. Dipshit. Arthur B. Dipshit walks into target with his goofy shit eating grin and he walks up to an employee and says "One kinectless Xbox One for $399 puleez" and much to his chagrin the employee will say "Ah shucks sorry amigo but we are sold out of those currently, will have more next week. However we have these sweet Titanfall bundles that include kinect for $450. So you could wait a week and get the the $399 version that doesn't come with anything or you can get this bundle which ends up being a value of $69 bucks so you can buy another game with those games" Then they'd expect good ol Arthur to say "derp sure thing!".
However in reality what will happen most of the time is that the customer will say "No thanks, fuck that noise. I wanted to get an Xb1 with a power boost and without the constant fear of advertisers and the NSA watching my every move when ever I play online. Instead Ill just buy another ps4 I know I already have one but compared to the alternative it's great. Or hell give me a wii u. Oh shit is that a panini maker and toaster oven? Shit I'll buy that instead.".
So what will happen is their sales will continue to be slow and stagnant while ps4 continues at a decent pace and remains ahead. Then eventually an Xbox One fanboy will call his friend on the phone and be like "Hey what's up man? Wanna play some Halo 5? Oh you got tired of Halo after 3 and enjoy Destiney better? That's cool...Wanna play it? Oh you got it on PC..gotcha....How about some titanfall? I know we played the maps like 2000 times already but there are suppose to be dlc maps soon...Oh you switched to PC with that because of better graphics and frame rates? Cool what are you up to anyway?...Oh you just got done feeling like you really punched a shark in the face under water thanks to Morpheus? That sounds badass.....What do you mean I should buy a ps4? Na man I am too wrapped up in brand loyalty and self delusion for that to happen. So I'll just do what I'll always do and ignore games for awhile and just go online and make wild, insane, illogical, unfounded, and delusional claims about Xbox's superiority and how it will retake it's spot on a throne it's never had because it's never managed to actually win a generation. Then when people logically correct my obviously incorrect theories I'll call them blind and unreasonable."
BTW it's good to know that all we have to do in order to be considered reasonable by you is to agree with you no matter how incorrect and deluded you are. For future reference tho you may want this That way you know what is actually required in order to be reasonable and why you are anything but. So keep deluding yourself if ya want, keep back tracking and lying about what ya originally said like Rob Ford on a crack binge and keep defending your illogical and unfounded theories again like Rob Ford on a crack binge. All it does is entertain us and makes you look like you might of had a good theory once but then had a stroke right in the middle.
![]() |
You fail to understand that I did the math.
I understand perfectly well that both the ps4 and x1 are selling units, but for the last 4 weeks X1 either outself bu ~ 2-5k , per week or had the same sales as a PS4. furthermore before that the PS4 only outself X1 by ~3-5 k, if even that.
What that means is that for PS4 to gain 1 % edge on X1 it needs to sell approximatively 60k units, at the current pace it will take months to gain just 1 % over X1.
TheDrill said:
in the usa ps4 has only 10 % more units sold, and that is being at a lower price, and launching earlier. This proves how close the battle is, and how close it will become with the price cut. |
"most people are blind"
Oh the irony. Ya best be trollin' son you chose to ignore a NPD report confirmed by MS and you call others blind. You can get a 449$ X1 with Titanfall and Kinect right now the price cut wont give that strong of a boost and MS lost America where they have a huge advantage don't dismiss the fact of PS4 taking USA back, it was very well played by Sony.
TheDrill said:
I understand perfectly well that both the ps4 and x1 are selling units, but for the last 4 weeks X1 either outself bu ~ 2-5k , per week or had the same sales as a PS4. furthermore before that the PS4 only outself X1 by ~3-5 k, if even that. What that means is that for PS4 to gain 1 % edge on X1 it needs to sell approximatively 60k units, at the current pace it will take months to gain just 1 % over X1. |
No it hasnt, and NPD just confirmed it.
I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.
"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"
Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum! See ya guys on Viz
DD_Bwest said:
I'm assuming he's still holding onto the VGC numbers... gah. Sometimes I worry about people on the internet.
TheDrill said: Xbox 360 has dominated USA last generation, and people forget that even with all the bad reputation, the higher price cut X1 didn't sell significantly less than the PS4 in here. In the USA, as of today the Xbox one only sold approximatively only 11 % less than PS4 did And for the last few weeks X1 sold on par or even slightly more than the PS4. Now that the price cut has been announced, as well as Halo and the ability to run IE and netflix without paying for gold, I expect it to sell a lot more. A considerable advantage is that all these announcement, especailly the price cut will convince a lot of xbox 360 owners to upgrade, and considering how well xbox 360 sold in USA, there are many of them. The current difference between PS4 and X1 in the US is 322004 units. That means that if xbox starts selling 10k more than it does currently, (only a 20 % increase in sales) or about 60k, it needs only 32 weeks, or 8 months to catch up. Considering that it will sell a lot during Christmas, It will have more units sold in the US by January 2015, and start outselling it from there. After that it will slowly grow and eventually sell more long a term considerably more than the PS4.
EDIT: Please learn to read, in the USA not worldwide, only in the USA. |
Please, you are the one who should learn to read...
PS4: ~199k
XBO: 115k
360: 71k
Wii U: ~49k
PSV < 3.4k
VGChartz continues to OVERTRACK XBone in NA, every week, then they have to adjust...
NPD says PS4 won 4 months in a Row. PS4 also won NPD in November. XBone only won NPD in Dec.
Hardware :
“Sony’s PlayStation 4 was the No. 1 platform for hardware sales in April for the fourth month in a row!
”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman.