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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Benefits of Xbox without Kinect?

Now that I don't have to buy a kinect, I'm getting an x1 in June. The systems are close in power, so I have no problem paying $400, without kinect. Remember when the Xbox 360 had all the better versions of multi plat games? That didn't matter to ps3 owners then, and it won't matter to x1 owners today, so give it a rest already.

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NightDragon83 said:
I like all the posts that continue to knock the X1 for being the same price as PS4 despite being the "weaker" of the two, as if all of a sudden not being the most powerful console of a generation is a bad thing.


X360/Wii  360 lost, Wii was cheaper
PS2 Came out a year and a half sooner and was cheaper
PS1 Could play CD's and hold games bigger than 30MB!!!
SNES (if you count Neo Geo, CD-i, 3DO and Jaguar as same gen)

LMAO.  Responses in bold, I ignored the crazy old ones because I don't have the time to look up the history of systems I didn't partake in.

The controller - them haptic triggers.

But anyone who gets an Xbox One without Kinect is failing in my opinion. It would be like getting a tablet that doesn't have a touch screen and you have to use a mouse.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

kinisking said:
superchunk said:

Lower price and no forced extra device.


It has the same value proposition over PS4 that X360 had over PS3... none. There is a reason PS3 always outsold it and if it were not for the year head start would have handidly beat X360 just as PS4 is doing now to Xbone.

You have to look at what MS has always pushed... its other entertainment options. MS recognizes that the game lineup is almost identical with Sony having the edge due to more popular 1st party titles. So the only thing it really has is price or other entertainment options.

X360 was helped due to largely always having a much smaller price. Xbone doesn't have that so they better drum up some great selling points on that entertainment option or buy some big exclusives NA/EU will want.

xb360 would have sold a ton more if it had more exclusives toward the end. ps3 is selling better now because of its great exclusives, so after the gen people are buying it for cheap and experiencing them all. And can you stop saying xbone? xb1 isnt hard at all to type. and if it isnt about typing youre just trying to be derogatory to someones personal preference.

You do realize you're on a sales website right? I mean before you make shit up, you could at least go to the charts. Launches aligned, PS3 has outsold X360 every single year. Even though it had a much higher launch price and meh games. Especially meh 3rd party games as they were all build on X360.

And wha'ts wrong with Xbone. I like it. It has stuck. Its not derogatory. Xb + One.... xbone. Don't be such a whiner. xb1 could be attributed to the first xbox, kinda how most state ps1 when referring to the first playstation. But xbone is unique and obvious.

I've always called it the x1....

Around the Network
dreamcast210 said:
Let's not forget that there is still a Kinect SKU and standalone Kinect coming in the fall.

But I'd say there is no benefit other than a competitive price. The fact that they dropped the price and Kinect together will be a huge factor for those who have not yet purchased the Xbox One but are Xbox fans. (Like myself. To be honest though, I want the SKU with Kinect).


Captain_Tom said:
NightDragon83 said:
I like all the posts that continue to knock the X1 for being the same price as PS4 despite being the "weaker" of the two, as if all of a sudden not being the most powerful console of a generation is a bad thing.


X360/Wii  360 lost, Wii was cheaper
PS2 Came out a year and a half sooner and was cheaper
PS1 Could play CD's and hold games bigger than 30MB!!!
SNES (if you count Neo Geo, CD-i, 3DO and Jaguar as same gen)

LMAO.  Responses in bold, I ignored the crazy old ones because I don't have the time to look up the history of systems I didn't partake in.

Seriously?  360 outsold PS3 by nearly 20 million in North America, and it even managed to surpass the Wii.  Only reason it "lost" overall was because it was non-existent in one of the three major markets for consoles (Japan).

PS2 was $299 at launch and the most expensive of the generation along with the original Xbox... GC was more powerful and just $199 a year later.

PS1 was also $299 at launch compared to $199 for the more powerful N64.  And storage limitations didn't stop companies like Capcom from porting dual-CD games like RE2 onto the N64 in its entirety, cutscenes and all, and with BETTER visuals on top of that.

The point being that the most powerful console of any previous generation was never #1 in sales, regardless of price.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
Captain_Tom said:
NightDragon83 said:
I like all the posts that continue to knock the X1 for being the same price as PS4 despite being the "weaker" of the two, as if all of a sudden not being the most powerful console of a generation is a bad thing.


X360/Wii  360 lost, Wii was cheaper
PS2 Came out a year and a half sooner and was cheaper
PS1 Could play CD's and hold games bigger than 30MB!!!
SNES (if you count Neo Geo, CD-i, 3DO and Jaguar as same gen)

LMAO.  Responses in bold, I ignored the crazy old ones because I don't have the time to look up the history of systems I didn't partake in.

Seriously?  360 outsold PS3 by nearly 20 million in North America, and it even managed to surpass the Wii.  Only reason it "lost" overall was because it was non-existent in one of the three major markets for consoles (Japan).

PS2 was $299 at launch and the most expensive of the generation along with the original Xbox... GC was more powerful and just $199 a year later.

PS1 was also $299 at launch compared to $199 for the more powerful N64.  And storage limitations didn't stop companies like Capcom from porting dual-CD games like RE2 onto the N64 in its entirety, cutscenes and all, and with BETTER visuals on top of that.

The point being that the most powerful console of any previous generation was never #1 in sales, regardless of price.

Very convenient that you discard the generation that completily torpedos your whole argument.  The PS3 was more exspensive THE ENTIRE GENERATION and yet managed to outsell the 360 while launching a year later.  It doesn't matter if the 360 lost "because" of their terrible push in Japan.  I can use the same silly argument you did btw:  "The only reason the the 360 did well at first was because the PS3 sold a lot worse in the US."  In fact the PS3 won EVERY other market so my version makes more sense.

Saying the strongest console can't win is about as dumb as saying the cheapest console always wins.

one less periphial taking up space and putting off heat when it does nothing and it certainatly doesnt work reguarly with voice commands either. Its made a fool of me in front of friends several times trying to show it off, of course all it did was tell them it was NOT worth it.

Besides that I like the xbo overall.


A different controller, games and OS.

Hmm, pie.