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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I need 360 gamers to explain something to me

I've had my 360 for 2 years - not one problem with it. The 360 is a great value as opposed to the other two systems in my opinion. The graphics on Wii are subpar and the PS3 is too much. Most of the best games are on both PS3 and the 360 and the 360 has online gaming licked. Also, the achievements are fun to go after.



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ssj12 said:
i had 5/5 of my 360s RROD, this is why i dont own one anymore

You really should have tried putting your 360s on an empty, well-ventilated shelf instead of in your toaster oven.

I've yet to get a RRoD. Games are fun.

I got it for the fun online with my friends. They're too poor bastards to buy a PS3.

Ι had 2 360s. Which gave me 30 RRoDs in total.
Seriously now: I send my broken 360 1,5 year after i bought it and they sent me back a new one in 15 days. No transport fees no nothing. Just a call. Sure, i'd prefer not to break at all, but a new machine with hdmi? And a Ben-q drive? They gained my respect. In the meantime, i played God of War II and Scarface which I had missed.

And, dude, there are so many quality games.
I wonder why nobody mentioned it...

vampire xtc said:
9 ROD?

he's lucky i know a kid whos been through 17 of them he even posted the audio online of the MS rep stating all his bricked consoles for those doubters google it

recently my friend has had 3 within 4 months one of which happened 10 days after recieving it back from MS

simply put 360 gamers are the battered wives of gaming

they keep goin back to the abuse cuz they love the console

plus do realize after you invest so much into a system say console and 3+ games

you feel like dumping it but think its a waste cuz of the money you spent to do so

so you get trapped in that cycle

look at it like this

360+ 3 games

boom ROD

you suck it up get it fixed

its working then say you cop another game or 2

boom ROD

now your like damn again!?

but now you invested even MORE into the system cuz of the new games

send it out get it fixed comes back works fine

you get another game or 2


now your pissed but its nuthin new to you as it happened twice before so it because 2nd nature to you and again you invested even MORE again

so its a cycle you get caught in

my friend works at the UPS store and he know the 360 box to send it in by heart customers come in and he's like "ROD huh" he tells me he ships them out ALL DAY everyday

Where did you come from dude? Imagination land? Maybe land of chocloate PS3's? Because your post has as much coherence and reality as that thought.

Maybe you let someone take advantage of you like that as you described xbox gamers in your post, and thats fine...there are hotlines for that can help you. But calling Xbox 360 owners like myself "battered wives of gaming" is just plain offensive to me. I hope your PS3 or whatever console you chose to buy molests you while you sleep.

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So what happens when the 406 hits 3 years this year? Every person whose 360 gets RRODed won't be within the warranty and they would have to buy a new one. What then? Will you still buy a new 360?

I'll be honest, not a single game outside of the fighting genre have attracted me to the 360. Every time I've played and every great 360 game I've played I thought was just pure mediocre compared to the games out on the PC. And I think Wii has much better games since I can't get those types of games anywhere else (the motion tracking).

I never got a 360 because I had a PS2 and none of the 360's games really interested me. I also looked at the respective technical specifications and the PS3's specs really impressed me. (especially it's theorectical maximum FLOPS, which was faster than the fastest computer in the world in 1997) Also, after what M$ did with the first box, I was like "hey no way man" and went for the PS3. I will say however, that my friend has had his 360 almost since launch and never had any problems with it at all. (I did really like BioShock and GeoW's graphics stunned me the first time I saw them)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Games...since you know, it's a console gaming. Got a Wii, but the games aren't any better than PS2 and original Xbox games, imho, so I want something better. I never owned a PS, and I really have no plan to ever do so.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

rocketpig said:
We don't complain much because MS stepped to the plate and replaces them for free.

I seriously wonder what these people are doing to kill 10 Xboxs... I play mine all the time and it broke after almost exactly one year. Of course, I kept it well-ventilated with a fan underneath it, too. I have a hard time believing that these people with 5+ broken boxes are treating them well at all.

It's obvious there is a problem with early units but after 2 or 3 broken units, people should reevaluate exactly WTF they are doing that is causing so many problems.

Even if there's something the user could do or not do that would extend the life of their 360, it's still a failure that your users can brick their device out of some kind of ignorance. Even if you put in the manual "Leave one inch of space on either side of the device, do not place on carpet, etc.," it's a failure that the consumer has to read the manual and create specific conditions to keep their device operating.

 In the world of consumer electronics, it's important to idiot-proof your product as much as possible. Microsoft's failure to do this has been their only major mistake this generation, IMO. I've said it before on this issue, you can blame the user if you like, but the user is going to blame Microsoft.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.