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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I need 360 gamers to explain something to me

the 360 offers free 3 year replacement warranty... and it has the best games... unlike the ps3 which as nothing

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NeoRatt said:
I only had the problem on 2 of 5 360's... I have sent back 2 of 4 PS3's... And my one and only Wii died as well. So 360 is actually my most reliable system so far.

Even if it wasn't... Too me it is about the games not the hardware. 360 has all the best games and it looks like 2008 will be no different now. either have the worst luck on Earth, or you're Gallagher and you think your consoles are watermelons. I would watch out for lightning if I were you.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

9 ROD?

he's lucky i know a kid whos been through 17 of them he even posted the audio online of the MS rep stating all his bricked consoles for those doubters google it

recently my friend has had 3 within 4 months one of which happened 10 days after recieving it back from MS

simply put 360 gamers are the battered wives of gaming

they keep goin back to the abuse cuz they love the console

plus do realize after you invest so much into a system say console and 3+ games

you feel like dumping it but think its a waste cuz of the money you spent to do so

so you get trapped in that cycle

look at it like this

360+ 3 games

boom ROD

you suck it up get it fixed

its working then say you cop another game or 2

boom ROD

now your like damn again!?

but now you invested even MORE into the system cuz of the new games

send it out get it fixed comes back works fine

you get another game or 2


now your pissed but its nuthin new to you as it happened twice before so it because 2nd nature to you and again you invested even MORE again

so its a cycle you get caught in

my friend works at the UPS store and he know the 360 box to send it in by heart customers come in and he's like "ROD huh" he tells me he ships them out ALL DAY everyday

Videogirl said:
crumas2 said:
Because it would be very rare for the average 360 owner to be on his 9th 360. I've had mine for over 18 months without any failures. There are people who spill their McDonald's coffee on their laps and end up with terrible scars and win multi-million dollar lawsuits, but that doesn't make those people the majority.

One of the factors that have made the situation tolerable for the many who have experienced the dreaded RROD is the 3 year warranty. If the Blu-ray drive motor goes wonky--as has happened to quite a few people--when you're PS3 is 13 months old, you're screwed. Will you abandon your PS3 if that happens? I would hope not... it's a good console.

The three years warranty applies only to RROD but the 360 seems to be suffering from dozens of problems which require expensive repair assistance (around 100$) after one year warranty :

- E74/One red light (second most common failure)

- E79

- black screen but sound, or picture but no sound,

- disk drive dies, scratches games or even break them

- disk tray which opens by himself in the middle of a game (or which doesn't want to open at all)

- Message "to play this disc, put it in an xbox360 console"when you put a 360 game in the 360 (isn't it ironic ?)


Just go there and see by yourself :


The disk scratching resulted in a class-action lawsuit that MS settled.  The other issues are fairly rare. 

Be careful trying to draw conclusions from anecdotal evidence, i.e. - reading forums where people post about the problems they're having with device X, company Y, etc.  Even if you read 1000 posts saying that someone has a problem with device X, but there are 10 million of those devices in use, then that's still a very low failure rate.  The primary problem is that almost no one who is having success with a product goes online and posts into a forum "Hey!  My Widget 3000 isn't broken and I've had it for over a year!  Isn't that great?"


I purchased a 360 almost 2 years ago now. I have never had a rrod so I suppose that makes me rare? I do play it a lot as well.

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The RRoD is the reason i never got a 360 and the same with the high failure rate with the PS2 - i worked for a game retailer when they were popular and man they broke lots to. Slimline model seemed to fix the problems thou, maybe a slimline 360 will save it.

xenophon13 said:

I have been reading article after article about the RROD and other 360 issues: There were the 2 at GDC, there is the Irish Gaming site that no longer supports 360 and there is this:

" I’m on my 9th Xbox 360. After 5 dead Premium systems since launch, I decided to spring for an Elite, with the hopes of better hardware. I was sadly mistaken, as I’ve gone through 3 Elites so far, with my 4th and current being a Falcon. I’ve had this one for two months now and haven’t had any issues. The reason I keep coming back, aside from the games (which I’ll touch on in a second), is the fact that I purchased the Best Buy warranty with both systems and have been able to swap it in store with no issue"

Here is my question (I am a ps3 owner:

Why do people keep coming back to this console with so many problems? This guy is on his 9th!!! And yet people are avid fans of the 360. You will probably see this as flaming but I am legitimately curious. If my PS3 died that much I would still play it, but I would be pissed at sony and would not be a supporter at all.

Go ahead and light me up, but hopefully my curiousity will be satiated...

This is how ms makes more sales. Buy Xbox 360, buy games. Xbox 360 dies, BING, repeat customer, buy another Xbox 360!

PSN ID: TheSimkin

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i had 5/5 of my 360s RROD, this is why i dont own one anymore

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The prospect of the RROD was my biggest concern when I was considering getting a 360. In the end, the 360's game library was enough for me to overcome my fears (and my miserly nature), and plunk down a wad of cash for the system. That was well over a year ago, and I've yet to encounter a RROD.

For me, it boils down to this: the 360 has the games that I enjoy playing. I don't regret my purchase.

Mine never RROD'd on me but even if it did, the games just keep me comin back. And it looks like this year there's plenty more coming.