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9 ROD?

he's lucky i know a kid whos been through 17 of them he even posted the audio online of the MS rep stating all his bricked consoles for those doubters google it

recently my friend has had 3 within 4 months one of which happened 10 days after recieving it back from MS

simply put 360 gamers are the battered wives of gaming

they keep goin back to the abuse cuz they love the console

plus do realize after you invest so much into a system say console and 3+ games

you feel like dumping it but think its a waste cuz of the money you spent to do so

so you get trapped in that cycle

look at it like this

360+ 3 games

boom ROD

you suck it up get it fixed

its working then say you cop another game or 2

boom ROD

now your like damn again!?

but now you invested even MORE into the system cuz of the new games

send it out get it fixed comes back works fine

you get another game or 2


now your pissed but its nuthin new to you as it happened twice before so it because 2nd nature to you and again you invested even MORE again

so its a cycle you get caught in

my friend works at the UPS store and he know the 360 box to send it in by heart customers come in and he's like "ROD huh" he tells me he ships them out ALL DAY everyday