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Videogirl said:
crumas2 said:
Because it would be very rare for the average 360 owner to be on his 9th 360. I've had mine for over 18 months without any failures. There are people who spill their McDonald's coffee on their laps and end up with terrible scars and win multi-million dollar lawsuits, but that doesn't make those people the majority.

One of the factors that have made the situation tolerable for the many who have experienced the dreaded RROD is the 3 year warranty. If the Blu-ray drive motor goes wonky--as has happened to quite a few people--when you're PS3 is 13 months old, you're screwed. Will you abandon your PS3 if that happens? I would hope not... it's a good console.

The three years warranty applies only to RROD but the 360 seems to be suffering from dozens of problems which require expensive repair assistance (around 100$) after one year warranty :

- E74/One red light (second most common failure)

- E79

- black screen but sound, or picture but no sound,

- disk drive dies, scratches games or even break them

- disk tray which opens by himself in the middle of a game (or which doesn't want to open at all)

- Message "to play this disc, put it in an xbox360 console"when you put a 360 game in the 360 (isn't it ironic ?)


Just go there and see by yourself :


The disk scratching resulted in a class-action lawsuit that MS settled.  The other issues are fairly rare. 

Be careful trying to draw conclusions from anecdotal evidence, i.e. - reading forums where people post about the problems they're having with device X, company Y, etc.  Even if you read 1000 posts saying that someone has a problem with device X, but there are 10 million of those devices in use, then that's still a very low failure rate.  The primary problem is that almost no one who is having success with a product goes online and posts into a forum "Hey!  My Widget 3000 isn't broken and I've had it for over a year!  Isn't that great?"