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Forums - Sales Discussion - Now that PS4 and X1 are both going to be $399, which will now sell better?


Who will sell better after sales settle?

I think the PS4 will be ahead 1,012 82.28%
I think the X1 will be ahead 80 6.50%
I think it's anyone's game 137 11.14%

Worldwide the PS4 will still dominate easily, but it may come a bit closer in the US.

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Still the hardware is superior and the games, is pretty obvious that PS4 is the correct choice, the xbone price needs to be at least 350 bucks to compensate the inferior hardware, a simple price drop won't convert magically the xbone RAM into GDDR5 and add more frequency to the CPU/GPU.

superchunk said:
PS4 will still sell better. XBone has a lot of negative press to overcome.

this is pretty much what i'm thinking too.. at least in the short term.  i've been reading the popular news sites and no one is really phrasing this a great news.  most are framing to the tune of "trying to backtrack and a series of mistakes and failures".

enditall727 said:

The Uno and Quadruple will finally be the same price starting June 9th.


The X1 will get a big boost for a while after after it drops to 399$ so we will need to wait a couple weeks for it's sales to settle.


So Like the title asks, which will sell better? Will the Uno finally best the Quad after sales settle? Or will the Quad still have the strength to stay on top?

Easily PS4.  Removing Kinect for $400 means nothing.  There was already an unofficial price drop with a big AAA release and guess what?  PS4 still sold more.  No one I know in their right mind would pay the same price for a console that is half as strong and inherantly inferior in almost every way.

kitler53 said:
superchunk said:
PS4 will still sell better. XBone has a lot of negative press to overcome.

this is pretty much what i'm thinking too.. at least in the short term.  i've been reading the popular news sites and no one is really phrasing this a great news.  most are framing to the tune of "trying to backtrack and a series of mistakes and failures".

This is also a very valid point.  People never like paying a lot of money for the device that is percieved as "Losing."

Around the Network

X1 NA, PS4 worldwide. I think people are waiting on E3 at this point. If MS announced the kinektless sku now it either means they are desperate or have massive plans for E3. I say likely the former.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Outside US/UK - PS4 by a landslide...

US/UK - I believe we will have a tough and fair fight, with games winning the rounds. Basically, exclusive release schedule will determine monthly winners.
Saying this, I do hope that both companies will now focus their efforts in releasing more games more frequently, instead of just one per quarter.

So, US/UK - Virtually equal, tie goes to the gamer :)

kitler53 said:
superchunk said:
PS4 will still sell better. XBone has a lot of negative press to overcome.

this is pretty much what i'm thinking too.. at least in the short term.  i've been reading the popular news sites and no one is really phrasing this a great news.  most are framing to the tune of "trying to backtrack and a series of mistakes and failures".

This^^ Other thing i noticed is that the "Hype" around a good news about Xone is never as viral as PS4.


If this was a news about PS4(let's say a price cut) neogaf would be down with a 1,000,000 posts thread. 

petroleo said:
Still the hardware is superior and the games, is pretty obvious that PS4 is the correct choice, the xbone price needs to be at least 350 bucks to compensate the inferior hardware, a simple price drop won't convert magically the xbone RAM into GDDR5 and add more frequency to the CPU/GPU.

That sir, is just blind loyalty, which is commendable on some level. Specs doesn't sell hardware, at least not as much as games. Now I am not sure you are aware, but X1 has some very compelling games out now.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


X1. Console war is over