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Forums - Sales Discussion - Now that PS4 and X1 are both going to be $399, which will now sell better?


Who will sell better after sales settle?

I think the PS4 will be ahead 1,012 82.28%
I think the X1 will be ahead 80 6.50%
I think it's anyone's game 137 11.14%
maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

"My console sells more" is a very weak rebuttal. Hopefully all debates won't boil down to that verbal last stand when someone makes a detailed description.

Funny enough, that is literally all you mentioned when it came to last generation consoles.

Don't mean to break it to you, but the idea was to incite a reaction, not to stimulate real discussion ;). Reactions and controversal opinions leads to more views, tis how YT works.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

"My console sells more" is a very weak rebuttal. Hopefully all debates won't boil down to that verbal last stand when someone makes a detailed description.

Funny enough, that is literally all you mentioned when it came to last generation consoles.

Don't mean to break it to you, but the idea was to incite a reaction, not to stimulate real discussion ;). Reactions and controversal opinions leads to more views, tis how YT works.

How sad if that is how you operate.

maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

Don't mean to break it to you, but the idea was to incite a reaction, not to stimulate real discussion ;). Reactions and controversal opinions leads to more views, tis how YT works.

How sad if that is how you operate.

That is past tense, and neither here or there. The point, was that I said a honest description as to why someone would like Xbox over Playstation. Take it or leave it.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

Don't mean to break it to you, but the idea was to incite a reaction, not to stimulate real discussion ;). Reactions and controversal opinions leads to more views, tis how YT works.

How sad if that is how you operate.

That is past tense, and neither here or there. The point, was that I said a honest description as to why someone would like Xbox over Playstation. Take it or leave it.

Yes well the majority of people clearly don't but that is neither here nor there.


I am glad that is past tense.

Actual US sales will start to be like VGChartz says they are now. So...that would still leave PS4 the winner, but XBO slightly ahead in English speaking countries.

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It will probably take a couple months but I would expect the Xbone to eventually start winning the US, assuming PS4 stays the same price.

WW PS4 will remain ahead.

ps4 ahead until x1 release in Japan

Faust said:
ps4 ahead until x1 release in Japan

LOL, excellent