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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official E3 Microsoft Conference 2014 -It's Happened!!! Rate The Conference


Rate MS' E3 Conference!

10 74 14.68%
9 29 5.75%
8 63 12.50%
7 114 22.62%
6 84 16.67%
5 50 9.92%
4 19 3.77%
3 18 3.57%
2 9 1.79%
1 30 5.95%

Wow this is slow

Around the Network

COD looks nice.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

another generic shooter... oh well.

Click HERE and be happy 

I only buy Treyarch CODs, need my zombies fix.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Yeah it looks good but it's COD. Hope they aren't spending time here that could be used on other games, yet to be revealed.

Like the dog thing last year.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network

woah whats that swarm thing

Enough of COD now! Show something else..


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Titanfall cross Gears = Take my money

Haha the door was pretty good.

isn't it nice when the ennemy always waits until you have reloaded your gun?