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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Waving The White Flag On Wii U? Only Forecasting 3.6 mill Shipments

Soundwave said:
Xenostar said:
As i said in the financial report thread, Nintendo are winding Wii U down now, they will have a new system out for xmas 2015.

Would not be surprised now if we never see a new Zelda game for Wii U now, development will be switched to whatever is next.

I think Wii U will get that Zelda game, but it will also be a cross-platform title (like Twilight Princess was for GCN and Wii) for another Nintendo platform, probably their next portable, which may be a hybrid type format (portable/home play). 

Yeah i could see that, i can also see there next platform being 100% compatible with Wii U titles anyway, minus those that depend on the Pad Controller. 

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Hedra42 said:
I think the projection for Wii U sales is realistic, when looking at the 2.72m shipped during the last fiscal year, and factoring in the release of MK8 and Smash Bros during this year.

Yeah I tend to agree. 

Mario Kart 8 is really the big difference from last year to this year, that's the one game that will cause an increase in their sales, going from 2.72 to 3.6 mill sounds about right. 

Smash and 3D Mario are about the same level of popularity, Galaxy and Smash Brawl had virtually identical sales, and the "supporting" titles like X, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Yarn Yoshi (?) versus DKC: TF, Wii Party U, Zelda: WWHD, Pikmin 3, W101 are probably a wash too (I think last year's fiscal year titles have the slight edge there honestly).

I genuinely fear this console may not pass 15 million in its lifetime.

i really hope they don't release a new console soon in the next year or 2 cause in the end that will do more harm then good just look at sega with the saturn

animegaming said:
i really hope they don't release a new console soon in the next year or 2 cause in the end that will do more harm then good just look at sega with the saturn

I don't think a true Nintendo console successor is coming anytime soon, though I do suspect a handheld/console hybrid platform is well underway with Wii U level visuals. 

That said the constant Sega analogies are really flawed I think. Sega released the Sega CD in 1992, then the 32X in November 1994, and then the Saturn in May 1995 (six months apart!) ... that is why the Sega brand became so tarnished. 

Nintendo is hardly in the same boat, they released the DS just 3 1/2 years after releasing the GBA and suffered no negative blow back at all in the long term, in fact the DS went on to become their best selling game platform ever. 

No one would've complained about the 32X/Saturn if the 32X had a full 3 years on market to itself for example. 

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animegaming said:
i really hope they don't release a new console soon in the next year or 2 cause in the end that will do more harm then good just look at sega with the saturn

They dont have a choice, they cant survive off 3.6m sales a year. 

Zero999 said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
After the first ND of 2014, it was clear to me that they had already given up on the WiiU.

Nintendo is not going to invest anything more in the WiiU but the very, very bare essential.

Whatever could be cancelled, is cancelled.
Whatever could be moved, is moved to 3DS or new platform.
Whatever they thought it would sell, they now accept it will be a bit over 15 Mil TLD.

The worst thing of all is that Nintendo - when you look back - never really tried with the WiiU. We cannot even say that they tried and failed, which happens. They didn't really try in the first place.

Whatever vision they had for the WiiU, was probably gone before it even launched.
It was lackluster from the very start :(

Posts like this are laughable, at best. It's weird that so many keep trying, knowing the words will probably bite them in the ass later.

I really, really , really wish i would be wrong :(. I still had hope untill beginning this year.

WiiU will be the only Nextgen console i will own for this generation. I would have bought it for Zelda and X alone.

However I had hoped to play smaller titles also. Titles which would come for a wel selling console where Nintendo could try new things (like W101). But this is not going to be the case.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

How many Wii Us were sold last fiscal year?

Mystro-Sama said:
How many Wii Us were sold last fiscal year?

They shipped 2.72 million. 

Soundwave said:
Mystro-Sama said:
How many Wii Us were sold last fiscal year?

They shipped 2.72 million. 

Which makes a joke out of people saying Nintendo are just low balling next years forecast of 3.6m, there expecting a 30% increase YOY