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Hedra42 said:
I think the projection for Wii U sales is realistic, when looking at the 2.72m shipped during the last fiscal year, and factoring in the release of MK8 and Smash Bros during this year.

Yeah I tend to agree. 

Mario Kart 8 is really the big difference from last year to this year, that's the one game that will cause an increase in their sales, going from 2.72 to 3.6 mill sounds about right. 

Smash and 3D Mario are about the same level of popularity, Galaxy and Smash Brawl had virtually identical sales, and the "supporting" titles like X, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Yarn Yoshi (?) versus DKC: TF, Wii Party U, Zelda: WWHD, Pikmin 3, W101 are probably a wash too (I think last year's fiscal year titles have the slight edge there honestly).