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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Just started Puppeteer. Strange game but it's been pretty good so far

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celador said:

Kingdom Under Fire II battle trailer

Hopefully (or perhaps, unfortunately?) the physics engine bears no real-world resemblance, otherwise that lady would have a serious amount of flopping about, going on. ;)

Ka-pi96 said:
SoLFaceEvil said:
So I have been playing my ps2 a lot! Timesplitters 2 and 3 are still imho the best games of all time. I also got a ps2 for my dad and a copy of Austin Powers Pinball for him since we used to play that game together and it was my late fathers day present to him. Also I've been playing the ps now beta and it is solid! Besides some overpriced rentals, they hit it right with this!

I agree that Timesplitters is awesome


How is PS Now? The rentals make it sound terrible to me, is there any option to permanently buy games through it or anything like that?

Nope. The prices aren't too bad but some games rental prices are questionable. Like Alpha Protocol, I love the game but 50 bucks for a 90 day rental no thanks.

PSN: SoLFaceEvil

celador said:
Just started Puppeteer. Strange game but it's been pretty good so far.

I was kind of hyped for this game, but it's an aweful game imo. Story is really meh, too much non sens talk that really bothered me. Plus, I hoped something truly "special" like you know the movie "Caroline". But the game is more close to "nod the head" wich really disapointed me.  

I really thought the game would be Sony doing something like Nintendo, but gameplay wise the game is nothing like nintendo. The game is just a - too much - simple plateformer without any strong ideas. There's some variation and some ideas here and there but nothing that make the game smart. 

Pretty decent art direction, but I can't forget the techincal fuckfest the game is. I am not that much into resolution and frame, but this game made me realised a plateformer has to be in 60 fps in order to be played correctly. I remember the moment you ride the gray mouse when you're inside the snake belly, I can say that 30 fps killed pretty much this moment. Puppeteer is 30 fps with a lot of motion blurr, not that much aliasing but the games lack contrast a lot. I have a good tv and to me the contrast should have been more explosive wich isn't the case.  

Plus, this is the type of game I would have realised on PS4 as a launch game. Can't see the logic behind a PS3 release, the game is a simple plateformer, but the whole theatre thing is really demanding ressource wise for the PS3. If only it did not make a flop. 

Sleepyprince said:

celador said:
Just started Puppeteer. Strange game but it's been pretty good so far.

I was kind of hyped for this game, but it's an aweful game imo. Story is really meh, too much non sens talk that really bothered me. Plus, I hoped something truly "special" like you know the movie "Caroline". But the game is more close to "nod the head" wich really disapointed me.  

I really thought the game would be Sony doing something like Nintendo, but gameplay wise the game is nothing like nintendo. The game is just a - too much - simple plateformer without any strong ideas. There's some variation and some ideas here and there but nothing that make the game smart. 

Pretty decent art direction, but I can't forget the techincal fuckfest the game is. I am not that much into resolution and frame, but this game made me realised a plateformer has to be in 60 fps in order to be played correctly. I remember the moment you ride the gray mouse when you're inside the snake belly, I can say that 30 fps killed pretty much this moment. Puppeteer is 30 fps with a lot of motion blurr, not that much aliasing but the games lack contrast a lot. I have a good tv and to me the contrast should have been more explosive wich isn't the case.  

Plus, this is the type of game I would have realised on PS4 as a launch game. Can't see the logic behind a PS3 release, the game is a simple plateformer, but the whole theatre thing is really demanding ressource wise for the PS3. If only it did not make a flop. 

Well I'm only two levels into act two and it's run fine for me so far, although I'm not sure I notice the difference betwenn 30 and 60fps unless they are running side by side.  I do like the art design as well, the story is ok for a platformer but they put some effort into it at least.

The gameplay is largely what I expected, basic platforming with a few little extra bits.  I like the way the scissors handle for the most part, and the boss battles have been decent.  Sometimes the jump has a little lag maybe?  It feels slightly off on occasion.  You're right that there is nothing amazing in the gameplay department.

If it carries on the same quality throughout I would probably give it a 6.5 or 7/10

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
Whats this about old faces returning?

It's a quote from Sony about the possibility of revisiting old characters.

celador said:
the-pi-guy said:
Whats this about old faces returning?

It's a quote from Sony about the possibility of revisiting old characters.

I can haz Crash pl0x?

Zekkyou said:
celador said:
the-pi-guy said:
Whats this about old faces returning?

It's a quote from Sony about the possibility of revisiting old characters.

I can haz Crash pl0x?

No.  No Crash for you

Legend of Dragoon 2? Never going to happen but I can dream.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

celador said:
Zekkyou said:

I can haz Crash pl0x?

No.  No Crash for you