bananaking21 said:
people bitching should have kept their expectations in check, they arent going to announce shit loads of JRPG's, and they arent going to blow their load when it comes to exclusives. its insane really, Media Molecule, Geurrilla Games, Sony Bend and Sony Santa Monica all have games in development that arent announced yet. MS's first party is lacking, and its showing.
also, did anybody think FarCry4 looks AWESOME? day 1 for me for sure!
Sony Has TLoU in July, white PS4 in september with a Destiny bundle, DriveClub in Octobor and LBP3 in November. its gonna be really hard for MS to outsell sony this year. specially with GTA5 coming out, which will most likely recieve a PS4 bundle too.
very good show IMO, better than last year. 2015 is officially INSANE. The Order, Uncharted, Bloodborne, Batman, Metal Gear, tomb raider, Mortal Kombat. i know i am forgetting games, but its insane lol. |
Pretty much agreed on all points.
Read the PS Blog entry on Uncharted and check the 60fps trailer from ND site. It looks like it's gonna be a huge journey, with many settings.
Yeah 2015 is shaping up to be a beastly year, not quite 2013, but 2011 levels of awesomeness. To your list I would definitely add The Witcher 3, and Homefront.
Also what happened to GoW A remaster? They didn't announce it, not much time left this year, especially since it's a SCEA game. Was Shinobi BSing?
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!