Conference was rather dull from Sony's part in my opinion. Was expecting quite a bit more in terms of exclusives and what not.
What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference? | |||
It was nice | 10 | 11.90% | |
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh | 25 | 29.76% | |
It was awesome! | 8 | 9.52% | |
Not Bad | 7 | 8.33% | |
I didn't like it | 11 | 13.10% | |
It was okay | 10 | 11.90% | |
Needed more LoD! | 4 | 4.76% | |
Decent | 2 | 2.38% | |
Other | 7 | 8.33% | |
Total: | 84 |
Conference was rather dull from Sony's part in my opinion. Was expecting quite a bit more in terms of exclusives and what not.
Ok so 2015 is shaping up to be an amazing year on the PS4 or what? (if no delays...) shit ton of great multiplats, plus already a trio of Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, and The Order.
Fuck I'm drooling...
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!
eFKac said:
Ohh, must have missed that part. What exclusive content? Also how did you like the conference? |
They're exclusively letting PS4 players join the main campaign via coop even if you don't own the game. ALso, Troy Baker just confrimed that he's the voice of the main villain.
I thought it was great except for the dull part three quarters of the way through. I'm really interested in the games they announced and I just pre-pordered a Playstation TV on Amazon. Now I can finally finish Crimson Gem Saga.
I am the Playstation Avenger.
adriane23 said:
They're exclusively letting PS4 players join the main campaign via coop even if you don't own the game. ALso, Troy Baker just confrimed that he's the voice of the main villain. I thought it was great except for the dull part three quarters of the way through. I'm really interested in the games they announced and I just pre-pordered a Playstation TV on Amazon. Now I can finally finish Crimson Gem Saga. |
I right, remember that great feature.
And called it! knew right from the start it's Troy Baker
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!
Heres the EXTENDED Phantom Pain trailer, Sonys presser cut out the best bit for some reason
wow this thread is dead! just watched the Sony E3 conference. IMO they over did MS. food does bloodborne seem insane. LBP3 this year!! and Uncharted looks.... wow... but its just a short trailer... but i want more
bananaking21 said: wow this thread is dead! just watched the Sony E3 conference. IMO they over did MS. food does bloodborne seem insane. LBP3 this year!! and Uncharted looks.... wow... but its just a short trailer... but i want more ![]() |
It outdone my expectations. I also want more Uncharted. Fuck honestly I hyped as hell for it. Looks like it's gonna be the last chapter and I'm sure they're gonna end it with a bang. I'm fully expecting it to be the Best Uncharted.
Go to the boards though, people bitching about everything. That their niche shitty title wasn't shown. That Sony didn't announce 10 exclusive JRPGs. It's crazy and funny
Overall I would say this gen is settled after this E3. MS doesn't have enough to turn the tides this year, even though their bigger games were few and far between, they've been mostly CGI. Looks like next year Sony will own them, and it's downhill from then.
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!
So, does anyone have Entwined?
Also, I'm kinda surprised we didn't see games such as DriveClub yesterday. Could have filled up some of that time they wasted on TV and all that bullshit.
eFKac said:
Go to the boards though, people bitching about everything. That their niche shitty title wasn't shown. That Sony didn't announce 10 exclusive JRPGs. It's crazy and funny Overall I would say this gen is settled after this E3. MS doesn't have enough to turn the tides this year, even though their bigger games were few and far between, they've been mostly CGI. Looks like next year Sony will own them, and it's downhill from then. |
uncharted looks insane. dark tropical setting. epic win right there. im so hyped for it i cant wait. i hope it doesnt come out holiday 2015, i dont want to wait another year and a half!
people bitching should have kept their expectations in check, they arent going to announce shit loads of JRPG's, and they arent going to blow their load when it comes to exclusives. its insane really, Media Molecule, Geurrilla Games, Sony Bend and Sony Santa Monica all have games in development that arent announced yet. MS's first party is lacking, and its showing.
also, did anybody think FarCry4 looks AWESOME? day 1 for me for sure!
Sony Has TLoU in July, white PS4 in september with a Destiny bundle, DriveClub in Octobor and LBP3 in November. its gonna be really hard for MS to outsell sony this year. specially with GTA5 coming out, which will most likely recieve a PS4 bundle too.
very good show IMO, better than last year. 2015 is officially INSANE. The Order, Uncharted, Bloodborne, Batman, Metal Gear, tomb raider, Mortal Kombat. i know i am forgetting games, but its insane lol.
poklane said: So, does anyone have Entwined? Also, I'm kinda surprised we didn't see games such as DriveClub yesterday. Could have filled up some of that time they wasted on TV and all that bullshit. |
I'm sure it was not lack of content that was the reason behind the TV/movies part. They just decided to feature it as well.
If DriveClub would be present, I can assure you that people would be bitching that Sony is wasting E3 time on a game they have shown a lot earlier, which would actually be a pretty legit concern.
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!