Samus Aran said:
DerNebel said:
Oh buddy, you have no idea how many of the Pokemon games I played (hint: It's all of them until the 3rd generation)
So if there's no correlation between the userbase and the sales, then what's the problem? TLOU sold more than any Crash game, the number of systems should naturally not matter since userbase is irrelevant. And there may well be double dippers for the TLOU out there, unfortunately you really have no way of proving how high the number of those is and how many are people that came from the 360 or another system or just didn't own TLOU on PS3 and wanted to try it out on PS4. So we're left at the beginning TLOU sold more than any Crash game, period.
Yet you don't know that Pokémon Yellow is the exact same game as Red/Blue with some very minor changes? I'm going to have to call bullshit on that.
And the Crash trilogy sold more than any Uncharted game, 3 out of the 4 latest games they made. And TLOU didn't outsell Crash on the PS3. Period.
But if we're going to count remakes and remasters as the sales of one game...
For the record, I'm not saying they should make platformers again. That audience has likely left or outgrown that particular genre. But I do want to see them make something other than third person action shooters. If they made a Crash Bandicoot game for the PS4 it would likely not outsell Uncharted 4. But it would also be cheaper to develop and take less time.
Lol, you can call bullshit all you want, but sorry it's the truth, even had all Pokemon in the Blue version and the Silver version, so yeah you should probably start accepting that I've played way more Nintendo games in my life than you think.
Again limiting TLOU to it's PS3 version is utterly pointless, you have literally brought forth not one valid argument against combining both platforms, your only argument was about the Pokemon franchise, for which the right way of counting the games could be argued all day anyway especially for the first generation. Why are red, blue and green counted as one? When it should according to your own logic be:
Red/Green counted seperately for Japan, then Blue counted seperately for Japan and then Red/Blue counted seperately for the west, don't base your argument on how something should be counted on something that's counted with as little logic put behind it as Pokemon is.