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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Final Fantasy ever start a new naming convention?

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Idk, they may not make FF by FFXXX due to changing market. Although I never expected a final fantasy XIII-3. In 10 years there might be a final fantasy XIII-13 :P.

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EricFabian said:
No, I would be very surprise if FFXXX release some day

hmm maybe its allready in the making. wait i google it....


hm i found some artleaks... looks like sephiroth and  cloud will have some kind of romance in ff XXX.

Better keep the naming convention and make games that actually are fun like the 16-bit FFs and 7 and 9 on PSX.

walsufnir said:
Better keep the naming convention and make games that actually are fun like the 16-bit FFs and 7 and 9 on PSX.

why u hate 8?

shikamaru317 said:






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Why would they? Millions of people only buy it because they see "Final Fantasy (Number)" in the title. They wouldn't buy an original RPG no matter how good but turning it into a numbered Final Fantasy makes it big. Changing that would be like throwing away money.

generic-user-1 said:
walsufnir said:
Better keep the naming convention and make games that actually are fun like the 16-bit FFs and 7 and 9 on PSX.

why u hate 8?

I didn't like the art-style in any way and so couldn't get into the game. To me this was the beginning of the end to me as this was the start of being to west-appealing to me.

Lets hope not.. we all know how sucky SE can be with names.. I mean.. LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII
Was it that hard to write down Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

They should continue. Always worked out great. Though I admit it might be confusing for newcomers. But screw them.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

You can't run out of numbers so I don't see a reason to change the way the name their games. As long as it keeps selling, we could have Final Fantasy all the way up to 1 Billion!

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