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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U rides on Mario Kart

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Wow, so you didn't read what I posted - I highlighted the part you ignored.

I said it won't save the console. It will have sales spikes around the launch of the game, as it has with some of its other titles, but that will be it. When sales are some of the worst ever seen for 80% of the time, that won't save it.

Erm, how did DKC save it, and also why do you think the market is the same after 20 years?

So you contradict yourself; first you say "its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse."

Then you backpedal to: " bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays "

So your first statement was wrong, thanks, that admission was all I wanted.

Or I am more familiar with the WiiU's sales than you are. If they spike around the game and then drop, then they are remaining the same. But of course I'm looking at long term as that is what counts, rather than short term like you are. What happens week on week is meaningless. Whappens over months is the key and that is what I was refering to, where as you were going on about week on week.

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pokoko said:
Mario Kart is going to be very important for the Wii U. The console race aside, Mario Kart is vital to bringing the Wii U back into the limelight. If it fails to accomplish that, if the perception has already set in among the general public that the Wii U is a failure, then nothing else Nintendo has in the clip will change that.

They're going to need to spend and advertise like the Wii U has already sold 50 million units. They need to make sure everyone who has even thought about playing a game has seen Mario Kart associated media. Sell Mario Kart and they might sell more Wii Us.

I just wanted to say that I really like this post.  My op would have probably followed the same route if I was more sober at time of publishing.

ps4tw said:
Kasz216 said:

1) Again I don't understand your question or it's basis in the arguement. Will the same customers be back for MK8?

2) It's based on just... game sales.  2 Million is a pretty good barometer when you look at it.  It's what denotes the difference between say, a Platnium game and a very similar game that sells much better. So 2 million is a figure pulled out of the air then. 

3)  The very next setence?  Obviously.   Those games brought in average users early on, they didn't stick around because they didn't really have anything the average person would be interested aftewords though. So more guess work...

4)  Average audience = the majority of people who buy videogames.  Happy to agree then that audience are not then the majority of MK Wii owners?

5)Why has no game so far succeeded in moving the Wii U?   Because it's somewht of a conceputal trainwreck.  The tablet controllers are way to expensive for what they provide, and they donn't innovate gameplay in a large way like the wiimote, basically making the Wii U too expensive for it's specs and too weak technically for multiplatform support. Will a game, or selection of games, then ever be able to get over that hurdle? I say no. 

6)  I don't see where I said it would tip everything.  All I said is that Mario Kart is a game the mass market quite cares about.  I imagine you'll see a significant uptick in sales launch week, and a coupe weeks after,  same for smash too... If the mass market cares about Mario Kart, then why the low GC sales and low N64 sales? You can't claim the mass market likes a game and then no one actually buys the console for which said game is on. MK is a game that only Nintendo fans care about. The difference with the Wii is seen with 2D mario very clearly. Casuals buy games with "nintendo" on it because they don't care enought to look around, and Nintendo fans always buy Nintendo titles (SB on GC sales). 

Then a huge uptake in software sales for those two games when/if Wii U gets to a cheaper mass price fast enough.

Same again

1) A decent amount of them sure.

2)  Not really no.  It's more or less a fairly standard barometer.

3)  Ok, prove that your statement to the opposite isn't guesswork.   On one hand, I have supporting data.  On the otherhand you have... no data.

4)  Nope.  You just have a flawed view of the Wii's userbase in general.   The Wii brought in casuals, but the casuals brought it was somewhat overstated.  What really marked last generation was an unprecedented level of crossplatform ownership.   Crossplatform ownership which generally went  Wii + HD system.

Check out the numbers from 2009.

Additionally, your target audience for videogames skews a bit to young.  We're about 10 years into the "videogames are acceptable for everyone to play" mode, so videogames skew older then the teenage market.


5)  Eh, Depends on what you consider "the hurdle".  20 Million sure could  happen, in an everything goes right from here on, and the Nintendo Figures blow up like Skylanders situation I could even see 40 Million.  That's a 1 in 100 shot though.


6)  That's an asnine statement that could apply to pretty much any game...    Call of Duty sells about 10 Million copies.   The other 70 Million people who own a 360 didn't buy a 360 because of COD.  

The fact is, Mario Kart moves consoles, and that shows it has common appeal.  As super fans are going to get in right away, or around Chistmas if kids.

Will only have to wait till the end of the month to see that.

Kasz216 said:

1) A decent amount of them sure. How'd that work out for 2D Mario?

2)  Not really no.  It's more or less a fairly standard barometer. Then please, show me where it is used by the industry as a barometer.

3)  Ok, prove that your statement to the opposite isn't guesswork.   On one hand, I have supporting data.  On the otherhand you have... no data. Past game sales from GC, Wii and WiiU suggest that MK won't revive the console because the majority of Wii owners are not back for the WiiU. 

4)  Nope.  You just have a flawed view of the Wii's userbase in general.   The Wii brought in casuals, but the casuals brought it was somewhat overstated.  What really marked last generation was an unprecedented level of crossplatform ownership.   Crossplatform ownership which generally went  Wii + HD system. .

Check out the numbers from 2009.

Additionally, your target audience for videogames skews a bit to young.  We're about 10 years into the "videogames are acceptable for everyone to play" mode, so videogames skew older then the teenage market.

 Considering how 2D Mario hasn't sold, that would suggest that whatever audience bought it last time have not bothered with the console at all this time. Also the research states ownership includes the household. So if mom bought it for Wii fit, then that includes Bradly who is a devout CoD follower. Nothing useful can be gathered from that data as it's two different people with two different wants.

5)  Eh, Depends on what you consider "the hurdle".  20 Million sure could  happen, in an everything goes right from here on, and the Nintendo Figures blow up like Skylanders situation I could even see 40 Million.  That's a 1 in 100 shot though.

No chance 20 million will happen. It's being dwarfed by the big 2, 3rd party has left it and shops aren't even stocking it. It's sold noticably worse than the Dreamcast even with the majority of big hitters out for it. 

6)  That's an asnine statement that could apply to pretty much any game...    Call of Duty sells about 10 Million copies.   The other 70 Million people who own a 360 didn't buy a 360 because of COD.  

The fact is, Mario Kart moves consoles, and that shows it has common appeal.  As super fans are going to get in right away, or around Chistmas if kids.

Will only have to wait till the end of the month to see that.

It's not asinine if you understand how a market works. The fact that CoD sells 10 million but the console sells 70 mill proves that there is a wide audience attached to the 360 as clearly they are not all buying the same game. However the uptake of games like SB on the GC shows that Nintendo fans tend to buy the consoles and it doesn't attract many people outside of that fold. 

If MK moves consoles wtf happened to the GC? And couldn't your basic argument be said about 2D Mario on the WiiU? We all know how that turned out...

TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:

So you contradict yourself; first you say "its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse."

Then you backpedal to: " bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays "

So your first statement was wrong, thanks, that admission was all I wanted.

Or I am more familiar with the WiiU's sales than you are. If they spike around the game and then drop, then they are remaining the same. But of course I'm looking at long term as that is what counts, rather than short term like you are. What happens week on week is meaningless. Whappens over months is the key and that is what I was refering to, where as you were going on about week on week.

In the English language, staying the same means, well, staying the same. Your initial statement was ridiculous, which you know, hence why you backpedaled on it and added "bar spikes/holidays" when called out.

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curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:

So you contradict yourself; first you say "its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse."

Then you backpedal to: " bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays "

So your first statement was wrong, thanks, that admission was all I wanted.

Or I am more familiar with the WiiU's sales than you are. If they spike around the game and then drop, then they are remaining the same. But of course I'm looking at long term as that is what counts, rather than short term like you are. What happens week on week is meaningless. Whappens over months is the key and that is what I was refering to, where as you were going on about week on week.

In the English language, staying the same means, well, staying the same. Your initial statement was ridiculous, which you know, hence why you backpedaled on it and added "bar spikes/holidays" when called out.

OR as I said, I'm more familair with how the WiiU sells than you are. Spiking at release is staying the same - it is the same trend *rollseyes*

TheJimbo1234 said:

OR as I said, I'm more familair with how the WiiU sells than you are. Spiking at release is staying the same - it is the same trend *rollseyes*

Staying the same means not changing. A release spike or a holiday boost is a change.

Your statement was wrong. You've already confirmed this by contradicting it and backpedaling from it.

ps4tw said:
Kasz216 said:

1) A decent amount of them sure. How'd that work out for 2D Mario?

2)  Not really no.  It's more or less a fairly standard barometer. Then please, show me where it is used by the industry as a barometer.

3)  Ok, prove that your statement to the opposite isn't guesswork.   On one hand, I have supporting data.  On the otherhand you have... no data. Past game sales from GC, Wii and WiiU suggest that MK won't revive the console because the majority of Wii owners are not back for the WiiU. 

4)  Nope.  You just have a flawed view of the Wii's userbase in general.   The Wii brought in casuals, but the casuals brought it was somewhat overstated.  What really marked last generation was an unprecedented level of crossplatform ownership.   Crossplatform ownership which generally went  Wii + HD system. .

Check out the numbers from 2009.

Additionally, your target audience for videogames skews a bit to young.  We're about 10 years into the "videogames are acceptable for everyone to play" mode, so videogames skew older then the teenage market.

 Considering how 2D Mario hasn't sold, that would suggest that whatever audience bought it last time have not bothered with the console at all this time. Also the research states ownership includes the household. So if mom bought it for Wii fit, then that includes Bradly who is a devout CoD follower. Nothing useful can be gathered from that data as it's two different people with two different wants.

5)  Eh, Depends on what you consider "the hurdle".  20 Million sure could  happen, in an everything goes right from here on, and the Nintendo Figures blow up like Skylanders situation I could even see 40 Million.  That's a 1 in 100 shot though.

No chance 20 million will happen. It's being dwarfed by the big 2, 3rd party has left it and shops aren't even stocking it. It's sold noticably worse than the Dreamcast even with the majority of big hitters out for it. 

6)  That's an asnine statement that could apply to pretty much any game...    Call of Duty sells about 10 Million copies.   The other 70 Million people who own a 360 didn't buy a 360 because of COD.  

The fact is, Mario Kart moves consoles, and that shows it has common appeal.  As super fans are going to get in right away, or around Chistmas if kids.

Will only have to wait till the end of the month to see that.

It's not asinine if you understand how a market works. The fact that CoD sells 10 million but the console sells 70 mill proves that there is a wide audience attached to the 360 as clearly they are not all buying the same game. However the uptake of games like SB on the GC shows that Nintendo fans tend to buy the consoles and it doesn't attract many people outside of that fold. 

If MK moves consoles wtf happened to the GC? And couldn't your basic argument be said about 2D Mario on the WiiU? We all know how that turned out...

1) You do realize this arguement more or less completely contradicts your Gamecube sales arguement.

2)  See how around a million is the general target for games now.

3)  Again, I never said it would revive the console, however what I DID say was that average people would care about it, and buy the system for it.  Hence a spike.

4)  That's only if you don't understand how houshold sizes work.  As for 2D Mario... again, your arguement is self defeating your previous arguement.  Try and settle on an arguement and make it rather then trying to set up a "Have you stopped beaing your wife" Quetion.

5)  The Dreamcast was discontinued.  So using it as a barometer for end of sales is foolish.  


6)   Again your debating yourself.   What happened to the gamecube?  It sold much better when those games were out then when they weren't.  Which proves my point.   If Nintendo nonsensically put Mario Kart on the PS4, its sells 10 Million... easy.


Just because games have average appeal doesn't mean they can do it by themself. 

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

OR as I said, I'm more familair with how the WiiU sells than you are. Spiking at release is staying the same - it is the same trend *rollseyes*

Staying the same means not changing. A release spike or a holiday boost is a change.

Your statement was wrong. You've already confirmed this by contradicting it and backpedaling from it.

Though I wouldnt have used the term staying the same, the english language isn't near as rigid as you are making it out to be

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

OR as I said, I'm more familair with how the WiiU sells than you are. Spiking at release is staying the same - it is the same trend *rollseyes*

Staying the same means not changing. A release spike or a holiday boost is a change.

Your statement was wrong. You've already confirmed this by contradicting it and backpedaling from it.

Do you even know the difference between long term and short term?