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Forums - Sony Discussion - Phil Harrison:Wii Sports is a true 'next-generation' game

For comparison, consider this:

In the top 20 best selling SNES games, only three were heavily multiplayer focused: F-Zero, Mario Kart and Killer Instinct. Let me emphasize that, because it shows how far we've come: 85% of the 20 best selling SNES games were either exclusively single player or heavily single-player focused.

Now look at the landscape today, where 90% of last year's top sellers were multiplayer, and I suspect even with the MGS4/GTA4/FFXIII juggernaughts on the way to bring the "revenge of single player", we're going to see at least 60 percent of the top 20 games this year be multiplayer focused, too, including the unstoppable forces that are Wii Play, Wii Sports and World of Warcraft.

I repeat: single player games are on the decline. Multiplayer games are on the rise. It's been a slow, but inevitable movement.">">

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Soriku said:
Bodhesatva said:

Still the best game of the generation for me.

However, this is about "next generation"-ness, and not quality. If that means graphics or something, I disagree, but I do feel that it will easily be the most influential title this decade.

We'll be seeing more games like Wii Sports and less games like Final Fantasy in the future, that I feel quite confident of.

I'd hate that. I want games like Wii Sports AND FF to go hand-in-hand together, not one rule over another.

Come on please. You know that can't happen. Hardcore games (specifically RPGs) are getting thrown under the rug. So I agree with Bod in that we'll see more Wii Fit and Wii Sports and less Final Fantasy and Persona.

OT: Ive always liked Phil. He seems to be a guy that just loves games.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

___O_o______ said:
games like Wii sports won't be sustainable in the future.. the majority of the market will eventually get tired of those casual games 10 year from now.
cause i mean, would you want to buy WIi sports 5,6,7,etc.???
japan may probably still buy it, but i'm sure most American and European consumers would be tired of it.

 If it were true that casual games had no place in the gaming market, then nobody would be in the least bit interested in games like Solitaire, Minesweeper, Tetris, or the dozens of Pop Cap games out there by now.  You could make the argument that those are all free, and thus people are more inclined to play them, but you'd only be partially correct.  Because there are also a decent number of people who actually pay for the "full" version of those Pop Cap games.  And Tetris is historically the most remade puzzle game ever, with the most variations, and easily the best-selling puzzle game ever too.

 The short of it is, Wii Sports is no more a "fad" than Tetris.  People don't get permanently tired of it, because unlike a game with a plot and a complex gameplay engine, these games are ridiculously easy to get into and require no significant amount of attention to enjoy.  While you personally may not enjoy them, you are not the majority.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

don't forget, Bod, MGS4 is shipping with a starters disk of Metal Gear Solid Online. Even that is going multiplayer.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

wow, that was a surprising statement.. good for him for saying how he actually feels rather than what he is paid to feel

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Just did a more extensive breakdown, and it should further emphasize the gradual, slow, but inevitable movement towards multiplayer and away from single player focused games.

The NES top 20 sellers. 1 of 20 was multiplayer focused: Ice Hockey.

Again, the SNES top 20 sellers. 3 of 20 were multi player focused.

The N64 top 20 sellers. 6 were multi player focused. Specifically, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario Party 1, Mario Party 2, and Smash Brothers. You might also inlude Waverace 64 or Starfox 64, but those are both as much single player as they are multi player, in my opinion.

The Gamecube top 20 sellers. 7, perhaps 8 of the 20 were multiplayer focused. Specifically, Mario Kart Double Dash, SSBM, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 5, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Super Mario Strikers, and Soul Calibur 2.

The Wii top 20 sellers. 11 of the 20 were multiplayer focused. Specifically, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Party 8, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Big Brain Academy, Mario Strikers Charged, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Smash Brothers Brawl, and Carnival Games. I think Guitar Hero also counts, although it obviously features a robust single player mode, I consider it a premier "social gaming" game.



Let me shorten this just for emphasis. Percent of top 20 best sellers that are multiplayer focused, by platform.

NES: 5 percent multiplayer focus
SNES: 15 percent multiplayer focus
N64: 30 percent multiplayer focus
GC: 40 percent multiplayer focus
Wii: 55 percent multiplayer focus">">

You can see the encroachment is gradual, but consistent. I expect multiplayer-focused games to comprise more than 50 percent of the best selling games this generation for the first time; I expect next generation will continue to see that movement; within 10 years, we'll see multiplayer comprising 75+ percent of the market on a consistent basis, with single-player games effectively being niche.">">

So he is not a idiot anymore =p?

Sony has been humbled by Nintendo. Damnit. Oh well I dont care, hes right Nintendo did a good job, but I still think for someone who enjoyed games before this generation the Wii kinda sucks.

Sure I like having fun on the Wii, but im more about graphics and complex games. I guess at this point caring more about what a game is and now how you play it makes me "old school"

First Insomniac sharing their dev library for free, now Phil saying Wii sports is a true next gen experience? They must be high on Blu Ray or something, way too friendly behavior in this fierce console war.

___O_o______ said:
games like Wii sports won't be sustainable in the future.. the majority of the market will eventually get tired of those casual games 10 year from now.japan may probably still buy it, but i'm sure most American and European consumers would be tired of it.

I doubt it, gamers around the world are the same, casual or hardcore.  Don't forget Japan market is the first to show the sign of slowing Wii sales (before Wii Fit hit the market, but the target audience may be completely different).

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

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