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___O_o______ said:
games like Wii sports won't be sustainable in the future.. the majority of the market will eventually get tired of those casual games 10 year from now.
cause i mean, would you want to buy WIi sports 5,6,7,etc.???
japan may probably still buy it, but i'm sure most American and European consumers would be tired of it.

 If it were true that casual games had no place in the gaming market, then nobody would be in the least bit interested in games like Solitaire, Minesweeper, Tetris, or the dozens of Pop Cap games out there by now.  You could make the argument that those are all free, and thus people are more inclined to play them, but you'd only be partially correct.  Because there are also a decent number of people who actually pay for the "full" version of those Pop Cap games.  And Tetris is historically the most remade puzzle game ever, with the most variations, and easily the best-selling puzzle game ever too.

 The short of it is, Wii Sports is no more a "fad" than Tetris.  People don't get permanently tired of it, because unlike a game with a plot and a complex gameplay engine, these games are ridiculously easy to get into and require no significant amount of attention to enjoy.  While you personally may not enjoy them, you are not the majority.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.