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For comparison, consider this:

In the top 20 best selling SNES games, only three were heavily multiplayer focused: F-Zero, Mario Kart and Killer Instinct. Let me emphasize that, because it shows how far we've come: 85% of the 20 best selling SNES games were either exclusively single player or heavily single-player focused.

Now look at the landscape today, where 90% of last year's top sellers were multiplayer, and I suspect even with the MGS4/GTA4/FFXIII juggernaughts on the way to bring the "revenge of single player", we're going to see at least 60 percent of the top 20 games this year be multiplayer focused, too, including the unstoppable forces that are Wii Play, Wii Sports and World of Warcraft.

I repeat: single player games are on the decline. Multiplayer games are on the rise. It's been a slow, but inevitable movement.">">