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Forums - PC Discussion - NVIDIA's New GeForce 9600 GT is a WINNER for Many

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Pricing and Value



With the 9600 GT right on the heels of the 8800 GT and a bit out in front of the 3870 we have to look very closely at the selling prices of all of them. The 9600 GT’s MSRP is $169-$189.


Searching Newegg this morning we can find a 512MB 8800 GT selling for $199.99 after MIR. (Last week when checking we found an MSI 8800 GT for $184.99 after $20 MIR.) With the 9600 GT coming in between $179.99 and $209.99 things start to get sort of blurry. If this remains the case and you have a larger resolution display (say 1600 or larger), the smarter choice would be to shell out the $20 and purchase the 8800 GT. If we again see the 8800 GT for $184.99 like we did last week, it is a no-brainer. If the 9600 GT starts selling at the lower $169 price point, then it might be worth it for you to save the $30 to $50.


It will be very important to look around at pricing and ask yourself what is the better value for your gaming situation. The 8800 GT is likely to provide greater longevity over the 9600 GT and possibly a better upgrade path should you consider an SLI configuration later on. We think we will see the 9600 GT pricing come down or the 8800 GT pricing climb back up considering how closely these two cards are in performance. Right now there is simply not enough definition between the two in terms of pricing to properly insert the 9600 GT into the market. Hopefully we see the 9600 GT satisfy the lower MSRP price of $169.00. In that case NVIDIA will truly have a winner on its hands while not eroding the valuable 8800 GT market. Then throw into the mix that Radeon 3870 cards are reaching the sub-$200 pricing ($184.99) as well and you certainly end up with a lot of choices. And having this many choices is certainly a great thing for the gamer and hardware enthusiast.


Our Thoughts



The BFGTech GeForce 9600 GT OC surprised us in the fact that it was able to handle 1920x1200 gaming very well on a 24” LCD. We were able to play Call of Duty 4 and UT3 at 1920x1200 with 16X AF and the highest in-game settings. The only game of course it couldn’t do that with was Crysis. We did try 1600x1200 in Crysis but it choked, even at all “Medium” settings. 2560x1600 resolutions proved to be too much for it in today’s games. Suffice it to say, the 9600 GT also performs great at 1600x1200 and lower. At 1600x1200 you can enable 2X or 4X AA in COD 4 and UT3.


We applaud NVIDIA’s decision to equip the GeForce 9600 GT with 512MB of RAM. 256MB of framebuffer will likely cripple this card’s performance spectrum. We have not seen any 256MB versions yet, but this is something to keep in mind. By having 512MB of RAM it will be equipped for possible future games that may push the framebuffer harder. 512MB of RAM will also provide a positive result if you wish to SLI this card. SLI will add performance, and the last thing you want is that performance to be bottlenecked by memory capacity.


We were surprised by and excited with the high overclocks achieved with the BFGTech GeForce 9600 GT. We were also very happy at the low temperatures experienced. After seeing very hot 8800 GT cards a cool running 9600 GT GPU is welcomed. We can’t wait to see what enthusiasts do with this card; there is mad potential for overclocking the 9600 GT and getting a true gaming experience benefit.


The Bottom Line



The BFGTech GeForce 9600 GT OC is a solid video card that performs tremendously. Our only disappointment is the rather small 25MHz stock out-of-the-box GPU overclock and missing memory overclock. For an enthusiast oriented brand, its “OC” line of cards is hardly overclocking anything, and this is not just limited to BFGTech as it seems “overclocked” cards are more of a marketing gimmick now days than anything else. But do we really expect bleeding edge clocks and a lifetime warranty? Maybe, but you will pay a premium for it. Our thought is that if you are not going to OC it at least 10%, then just don’t do it at all. The hugely redeeming value though is the potential for overclocking that exists for enthusiasts as we showed you on the previous pages. A 20% overclocking increase over stock GPU speeds with stock cooling while keeping the card under 65c is exciting.


Price is going to be the most important aspect of the GeForce 9600 GT. The price of GeForce 8800 GT is falling to sub-$200 levels. Unless you find a GeForce 9600 GT at the low end of the MSRP it may be smarter to shell out the extra cash for the 8800 GT. In all of our testing the 8800 GT performed better, as expected. The BFGTech GeForce 9600 GT falls right under the 8800 GT in terms of the gameplay experience provided while providing a better experience than the Radeon HD 3850 or 3870.


The GeForce 9600 GT is a great GPU. Now we just need to see its value better defined in the retail market.

Around the Network

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.... slightly less performance than the 8800GT, better temps, better OC possibilities, and I can nab one for £116 ... I've been intending to upgrade from my 7600GT this year, I think this 'might' be the one to go for! :D



Damnit, I just paid $200 exactly a month ago AT newegg for a new ATI 3850 512mb, as the 3870's were $250. :(

At least now I have something to recommend to my friends (I'm an ATI only user).

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

im waiting on the 9800GX2 or 9800GTX

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Its just got a whole lot harder to bitch about PC prices compared to consoles...and its only going to get better from here...

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I'm still extremely happy with the budget 8600 GT I bought last year for $90. I play Crysis on medium with no hitches, and everything else on max. Best budget card I've ever purchased.

Hmm, an upgrade from my 7800gt found?

BFG is looking very nice to me right now because my BFG 6800 GT that I bought for my parents computer years ago mainly for Half-Life 2 (among other games) finally died recently and due to their lifetime warranty, I got a whole new one for free like two days after mailing the old one back to them.

Also, seeing as I'm only gaming on a 19" CRT monitor (screw LCD and your strain on my eyes ), I don't think I'll need the power of such high resolutions used in their tests, but I would like to be able to use the higher resolutions the monitor can deliver. The COD4 frame rate part in the review really helped to increase the interest for me because I played the demo version of COD4 which was "The Bog" level and my frame rates chugged a bit with my 7800gt and some high settings.

Does anybody know if it supports HDCP? I've always wanted to hook up my computer to a TV and a DVI-HDMI connector seems rather convenient to do such a task. *edit* nevermind,

There is a large review of the current 9600 brands from Guru3d.

"Ladies and gentlemen .. run to the stores, grab a GeForce 9600 GT and go & play games like Call of Duty 4, World in Conflict, Ghost Recon 2. Then enable some good image quality settings at fair resolutions and you'll be able to take in the entire experience with very acceptable framerates.

Today we'll take do something special; we'll take six of the new 9600 GT cards from BFG, eVGA, ECS, Galaxy, Point of View and NVIDIA's reference card; then look at the technical specifications, power consumption, product diversity and finally take them for a test-spin on on the latest games and stress the cards until they tremble and stutter in the pain vain that is called the Guru3D test system.

Rock on dude, to the next page please :) "

I just started reading it, we'll see how their opinions differ.

"It's not an easy task to categorize the awards, but again .. in the end you decide what to purchase, not me. With that being said I'll close this article. The GeForce 9600 GT product series offer you heaps of features and just a very pleasurable gaming experience at exceedingly reasonable resolutions as this is the first time we see a sub-200 USD product shift towards playable resolutions of 1600x1200.  The GeForce 9600 GT series is a truly grand graphics card in the mid-range segment and we can recommend it a lot."


I guess the thing would be that for a little bit more, both reviewers would recommend something like a 8800 GT or 8800 GT 512MB GTS instead, but the 9600gt 512 is a good mid-range card. 

I brought two Asus 8800 gtx's in SLI early last year... i hope they last me a long time. >.>

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                         's reviews are crap, because they use different settings for each card making it near impossible to compare them to each other.